Swimming Naked is Better Than Going to Prom Anyway//Newt

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Prompt: Y/N dreams of going to Prom with hotshot Minho, but her parents won't allow it if she doesn't pass her next Math test. Newt, her very generous friend, helps her study to pass the test so she can go... but her heart breaks along the way. Does Newt patch it up for her? 

A/N: Just a heads up that this one is a bit longer than usual (4600 words), this was originally in three parts. 

"Wait so, why am I helping you study with your math again?" Newt questions with a raised eyebrow but a soft toned voice, if it were any louder you'd be kicked out by the grumpy librarian who spends her days surfing centuries-old dating websites. You also suspect she has a Myspace account too.

"We already went through this, didn't we?" You slightly whine as you stare down at the intimidating sums staring back up at you with their evil eyes and mysterious motives. "Mom said I couldn't go to prom if I didn't pass the math test tomorrow."

"Oh, I see. That's a bit harsh..." He whispers but then says, "What's your average score on a test?"

You wave your hand in a dismissing manner, "Oh I don't know... maybe an E, possibly a D."

Newt looks at you with a tilted head, sarcasm laced through every fibre of his being, "Great."

He proceeds to help you study, flipping through your worn textbook. He asks you about a few of the pages you've seemed to have either destroyed or wet with frustrated tears, but you lie and say it was your cat; probably. He's obviously not convinced. Then the conversation takes a turn back to prom, which makes you feel slightly happier. "So, who's the unlucky guy you're going with to prom?"

You sigh dramatically, "Minho."

Newt raises an eyebrow, "Really? Didn't think he's your type..."

You look up at him and say with a serious tone, "How would you know what my type is? Besides, Minho is everyone's type. He's the best runner on the track team! His body is mint... and those arms..."

Newt screws his face up in disgust, "Yeah, yeah... I get the picture."

You smirk and scribble down a formula, then try to apply it to one of the questions. You stop yourself from squealing in delight when you manage to find the right answer, Newt flashes you a thumbs up and he genuinely looks pleased; sort of proud. This makes you happier.

"So who are you going to prom with?" You ask cautiously.

"Hmm." He grins in a sad sort of way.

"What?" You ask, dropping your pencil onto your exercise book, "Did she reject you?"

"Not exactly..." He looks down at his hands, and then looks up at you, "She's going with someone else."

You rest your chin on your hand, "Oh, that's too bad." After a while of awkward silence you then ask, "Who is it though?"

Newt shakes his head, "No one you'd know." He shoves another textbook in your face with more sums that look even worse than the last. You almost start crying. "Now try these."

You shake your head, "I'll be half dead if I past this test."

"Newt!" You shout, overwhelmed with pride and excitement. You screech around the corner of one of the school hallways, "Newt you legend!" You turn around another corner and slam into the blond headed and brown eyed boy. "Sorry!" You squeal apologetically.

He rubs his head and then picks up his books from the floor, you help him. "You're such a bloody slinthead, you know that?" His eyes flicker over to the sheet you hold in your hand marked with a C+ He drops his books and looks at you as if you've just created the cure for cancer. "Did you... Is that your... No way."

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