Trapped Together//Minho

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Prompt: You're running the Maze with Minho for the first time to learn you're route when you both don't make it back in time.

"Okay Greenie," Minho says as he rounds the next corner of the Maze, "Pay attention, this route will be yours once we're finished practicing. You have to take in every detail, every corner, from back to front, so you don't get lost. If you get lost—

"I'll end up with the Grievers, I know." You huff, following closely beside him, "And stop calling me Greenie, would ya? I've been here for months."

"Hmm," Minho says, "Guess I'll just have to find another nickname for you then!"

You roll your eyes, "Great," you mutter sarcastically, already wishing you were running this route by yourself. Then again, even if Minho is one sarcastic, unfunny shank, he is kind of your best friend. Who would have thought, the way you two treat each other?

As you two run together, you think about the training you did beforehand with Minho, just in the Glade to get used to running long distance. Every morning and every night you would run the Glade however many times you needed to, to gradually get fitter and better. Sometimes Minho would run with you as motivation and support, or just to warm up for his own run. Those were the days that your friendship with him really developed.

The shank really helped you out a lot, so you're forever grateful for his friendship.

You keep your arms moving and your legs pumping, matching Minho's speed as you run on together. Although starting to feel slightly breathless, you ask him a question, "How on Earth do you remember all these routes?"

"Years of practice." He mutters, rounding another corner, "Years of running these walls again and again. Memorising turns, memorising numbers."

"That's amazing, Minho," you breathe, awed at his determination and resilience.

"Don't sweet talk me, Y/N, it's distracting."

"Fine," you laugh, and he laughs too.

A couple hours go by before you stop for something to eat. You packed sandwiches in your backpacks, and you drink only small mouthfuls of water so you don't get a stitch. The sandwiches are plain and simple, so that they don't give you a stitch either.

Minho gulps it down in seconds whereas you nibble at it a little.

"Are you even hungry, Greenie?"

You roll your eyes again, "Again with Greenie? Get some new content." You wrap up the sandwich, "Guess not, I think I'm too nervous to eat."

His hand falls on yours, "You might not feel like it but you probably should eat anyway, all this running tires you out pretty quickly. We need to fuel ourselves to get through the rest of the day."

You finish wrapping it up and then you place it back inside your bag, "I can't force it down."

"Fine, but don't go whining for another break, next one isn't 'til a few hours!"


Later, you start to feel close to exhaustion. It's been a good few hours of running, with constant conversation with Minho of course, but as the day grows longer you find yourselves just running in silence instead. Maybe you've ran out of things to say, or maybe your both losing your energy fast.

You round another corner when you stumble, and Minho notices although doesn't say anything. You don't stumble, ever. Not even in practice. You slow down to a jog, and Minho follows your speed, "Everything okay Greenie?"

You stop and lean against an ivy covered wall, the vines swallowing your arm, "I told you... not to call me... that."

He comes closer to you, his hand instantly touching your face and lifting it so your eyes meet his, "You should have eaten."

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