I Like Punching People, But I Also Like Hugging You//Gally

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Prompt: You're hot-headed, and never willing to back down from a fight. You don't let anyone mess around with you, because that would be total cowardice. But then you meet Gally, and a true friendship sparks between you. Can he teach you a new perspective on dealing with your anger?

You stand straight in the middle of the Glade, hands on your hips; breathing in the fresh morning air. It was a beautiful sunrise, considering you're trapped in this dreadful prison. Too bad you'll have to waste your time in the Kitchens preparing every slime-boy Glader's breakfast. Last time it took four hours preparing, cooking, packing up, and cleaning. This time it probably won't go by any faster. You look away from the sun and spot Frypan over at the entrance to the Kitchen block, his scruffy face and tired eyes searching for the rest of the Cooks. You sigh, take one last glance at the sun, and the head on over.

By the time the boys start seeping in, taking their seats around the block, smelling the cooking of eggs and bacon, you and the rest of the kitchen crew have almost finished with last batch of food. Right now you feel alright, somehow you have enough energy to keep going, but the constant smell of all of this breakfast food scrambles your guts, pushing a feeling of nausea over you. You and breakfast food obviously don't mix.

"Can't you work any faster, Y/N?" A boy named Corey pushes, his raspy voice practically inviting you to be irritated. "We're almost done but you're holding the rest of us up."

"Slim it, egg boy. I'm going as fast as I can. Besides, what else have you got to do? Not like you're going on a date anytime soon." You wipe the sweat of your forehead with your arm and keep working with scrambling a portion of the eggs, it takes a bit of time to get them right. Just because Corey can't handle a few hours in the Kitchen doesn't mean he gets to push you around for being a tad slower.

"Whatever." He mutters, shaking his head as he moves along to a different station.

You finish with this pan and move onto the next, glancing behind you for a few seconds. You see egg-boy again, talking to Kev while sneaking dirty looks back at you. He's not peeling or cracking the eggs like he is supposed to, instead he's chatting away like it means nothing. What a hypocrite! You ditch the pan, and walk straight across the kitchen towards Corey. His eyes widen as you come closer, you can feel the heat emitting from your face as hot anger takes control.

"What do you think you're doing?" You lash out, watching Corey's eyes dart around your face nervously.

"I..." He looks over at Kev who has decided to slowly edge away from the confrontation in front of him. Corey looks back at you, "Who cares? Just go scramble those eggs before they burn, shank."

Usually, you don't take the word shank as much of an insult. But the tone in his voice and the anger in his eyes... something just snaps inside you. "You know what Corey? You're done."

"Excuse me?"

You shove his chest, hard, "Get out of here!"

Corey stumbles back and slips on spilt milk, sending him ass up. He knocks his head, and as his yelp resounds throughout the kitchen, people start flooding towards him. He lifts his head dizzily, his hand coming away from the back covered in blood. "Ah, crap."

You swallow hard at the sight of his blood, something in your gut drops making your heart beat fast. Guilt.

"Who left their eggs unattended?" Frypan shouts over the rushed voices of Med-jacks. "They're freakin' burnt now, what a waste!" His eyes narrow on you, and you roll yours back at him as you walk passed. You exit the building, tears jerking at the edge of your eyes. The anger inside you, at Corey, at Frypan, at the eggs, at yourself. It fires you up with too much energy, too many emotions. As you pass the exit's wall you slam your fist into it, breaking through the thin layer of wall. You didn't realise that the walls weren't as thick as the ones inside.

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