The Gang//Newt

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Prompt: In an Alternate Universe, you go camping with the gang for a weekend. But things get creepy when Gally mentions a story about a haunted house nearby...

You step out of the car and instantly take a long, deep breath of the country cool air. It's refreshing. You check the time on your phone and notice how many hours you actually managed to sleep away in that crazy filled car.

"Ah, got to love that fresh air. Am I right?" Minho says as he fills his lungs.

Gally shakes his head, "Yeah, and the damn bugs too."

Thomas shakes his head as both Minho and Gally start arguing, like always. You push their aggravated voices to the back of your mind and help unload the car beside Newt. He thanks you once you're finished and everyone collects their own baggage and starts up the trail, you wait behind until Newt has locked the car.

Newt brushes his curls out of his eyes, "Thanks for waiting."

You look over at him and notice how much he fits in around the countryside, it's like he belongs here. Suddenly you wish this weekend would last forever. "No problem, much more quiet at the back of the group."

Newt chuckles, "Yeah, hopefully those two shanks stop arguing before we get there." At that moment you both look up ahead of you and see Teresa struggling to keep them both at peace with each other: this makes you both laugh loudly.

"Enjoying the show, are you?" Teresa huffs back at you; you see Brenda try to keep in her giggles.

"Yeah! Keep it going!" Newt shouts back, a slight excitement reflects back in his brown eyes.

Teresa only rolls her eyes back and turns around to see Gally push Minho off to the side of the track, she raises her hands and screams at the both of them. "Poor Teresa," I say pitifully. "She really is trying."

Thomas turns back to you, "She shouldn't waste her breath on those two, they just need to brawl it out and then they'll be best buddies again."

"Yeah, for ten minutes until it starts up again," Brenda replies, which sends you all into a round of laughter.

20 minutes later or so you arrive at the spot you planned to pitch up the tents. Everyone gets to work in putting the site up and setting out the chairs and the few appliances running on gas that they could fit into the car. Once it feels as though it's finally finished you yourself take a look at the site: one tent for the three girls and two tents for the four boys. You turn to Brenda and whisper, "Guess Minho and Gally won't be pairing up in a tent, am I right?"

She giggles at you, her smiling causing her eyes to crinkle with delight. On the other hand, Teresa just stares at you with a frown.

"Don't encourage their bad behaviour, it's getting on my nerves."

"Aw, Teresa, don't worry, I'm sure they'll be alright with each other once they get some food into them."

Teresa's electric blue eyes light up, "That's actually a pretty good idea." She walks away and talks to Newt for a moment, he nods and she pulls out one of the food boxes and starts preparing some dinner. Looks like burgers.

You turn to Brenda, "I'm going to go help Teresa, you want to join?"

Brenda nods her head and you both set out for the table where Teresa has started to cook the patties and butter the bread-buns. She looks grateful when you both lend a hand, and the three of you share jokes about the boys all through cooking –sometimes gaining a suspicious glance from Newt, Minho, Thomas and Gally.

Later that night, after you all have finished eating to your heart's, and stomach's, content, Gally takes a torch and lights up his face from underneath his chin. "Once upon a time..."

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