The Rescuer//Newt

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Prompt: Newt's reaction to seeing you get hurt

You wipe the sweat off your forehead before slipping on your thick, work gloves. It feels strangely hotter today, even though the weather conditions of the Glade don't actually change. Maybe you're just working harder than usual.

"Y/N can you grab the other end please?" Gally urges, gesturing to your end of the thick piece of wood; recently chopped down.

You sigh, straighten your gloves and make sure they're tight, and then re-tie your loosely held hair up.

Gally frowns at you, "Seriously Y/N? Can you take any longer?"

You roll your eyes at the shank, annoyed with him profusely. You're always annoyed at him, must just be his kind of character. Or maybe he provokes it on purpose, you're not entirely sure. "I'm just making sure I can see, otherwise I'll drop the blasted thing."

Finally, you wrap your hands around your end and heave on three as Gally calls it. You side step with Gally, making sure not to go too fast or too slow. He gets a bit irritated if you don't do as "well" as him, meaning, if you don't go with his pace. You feel your arms shake slightly, which wobbles the log, and you frown. You're sure you've been able to carry this much weight, even more, before.

"Do we need to stop?" His voice is almost threatening, but as much as Gally seems to hate everyone, you know this is him being somewhat sincere.

"No, I'm fine. Let's grab the other one."

You drop the log onto the pile and then walk over to the next one. You pick it up like last time, but as you grow nearer to the other pile, you feel your hands and arms shake again. You move them slightly to regain your hold, and change your angle in case that's what's weakening it. But soon after, you feel the shakiness again and when you try to combat it once more, the log slips out of your fingers all too quickly. You try to step backwards, but the heavy log slams onto your foot. You yelp with pain as a fiery twinge shoots through your foot and up your leg; your legs wobble and you fall backwards in defeat.

"Dammit, Y/N!" Gally shouts, dropping his end immediately. He runs passed you, his voice worried but loud, urgent; "Jeff! Clint! Get your asses over here!"

You try to move, maybe even get up, but the pain is quite blinding. How heavy even is that log? It must be a lot if your foot hurts this much. You try to move again but instead only a whimper comes out. "Shit," you mutter, fighting the urge to cry. "Stupid log."

"Y/N?" A soft voice calls out to you, unsure and confused.

You turn to the voice unknowingly, wiping the fallen tears off your face and from your eyes. You meet Newt' eyes, his brown ones wide and horrified. "Newt?"

"Oh my—Y/N!" He comes rushing to you immediately, falling beside you, "What happened? Why are you by yourself?" He looks around you, he spots the fallen piece of wood, "You weren't doing that by yourself, were you? You're not supposed to! Gally knows that! All Builders have to be accompanied by another!"

"Newt, it's okay, I'm fine, really–
You stop short as another twist of pain surges through your leg. You bite your lip to stop from crying out, but a sob manages to escape. "I—

Newt sweeps you up in his arms immediately, and you feel quite dizzy. His arm supports your back, and his other your legs, so they don't dangle in the air causing even more pain to spread throughout your leg. "We have to find the Med-jacks. I can't believe you're hurt! I'm going to kill Gally when I see him!"

"Newt, I wasn't..." You start to say, remembering Gally who rushed off to find them for you. You hope to explain to Newt that you weren't by yourself, nor lifting the log on your own. But suddenly the pain is too much, and your vision too weak. You take in one last breath before you collapse into darkness; hearing the last echoing of your name being called by Newt's voice.

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