I pulled out my phone and sent a message to the group chat:

BABC Group chat:

Ninja Girl: 8:34: Meeting today at 10:30 am, at school. See you guys there.

I took a deep breath and put my phone away before I continued to run, but little did I know about the blue-haired figure that approached Valt.


'C'mon,' complained Valt. 'Give a guy a break. Low blood sugars a thing...'

I leaned against the fence, watching the argument closely. We were at school rooftop, deep in a Beigoma Academy Bey Club meeting. Apparently straight after Shu, Wakiya and I had left Valt, someone called Naoki had approached him, and used him for research. Naoki was supposedly a beyblade scientist, counducting a research project about Bladers. He chose Valt, because Valt was apparently 'unlike any of the specimens' Naoki studied. He and Valt had a battle, so Naoki could see Valt launching and in battle, but Valt lost. I'm guessing that his encounter and loss to Lui has affected his blading.

'He didn't just win,' scoffed Honcho. 'He wiped the floor with you!'

'And what's with the drop with your launch power?' questioned Daigo.

'Yeah!' agreed Toko.

'Down by about half!' confirmed Nika.

'Thanks for sticking up for me!' Valt said sarcastically. Then a determined look crossed over his face. 'The next one is mine!'

'Where have I heard that one before?' sneered Wakiya. 

'What was that?'

'A loss is a loss!' Wakiya said angrily. 'Grow up and face it for once!'

Valt stood up suddenly and glareed at Wakiya, growling.

'You didn't just let him out do you,' explained Wakiya. 'You showed him your special moves! You spoon-fed information to a future opponent! What were you thinking?!'

'I thought it was research...' Valt said, confused. Wakiya stepped back.

'Well he got one think right,' Wakiya continued, gazing in disgust at Valt. 'You can't win, no matter who you take on!'

'Hey!' interrupted Honcho. 'A bro's got feelings!'

'Your bro is on a losing streak!' Wakiya shouted. 

'No...I'm not..'

'Lui crushed you on live TV,' Wakiya pointed out. 'Your fighting spirit has disappeared. Kiss beyblading goodbye.'

'Woah!' Honcho said angrily, shoving Wakiya. 'You've gone way too far this time!'

'Dial it back Honcho!' I said, stepping in between them. Wakiya glanced sideways at Shu, who was practicing on his left-handed launch.

'You're with me on this, right?' asked Wakiya. 'Shu, (y/n), he's lost it, right?'

Shu stood up and walked over to us. 'Try launching Valt. Show us.'

Valt stood up, and gave an unsure glance. 'Oh....I guess.'

They both took their stances, Shu going with a left-handed launch.

'It's no biggie,' said Valt. 'He only beat me because I was hungry.'

I looked at Valt's face. He showed no sign of knowing what Shu was going to do. I frowned. This wasn't the same guy who faced Lui.

'3 2 1! Let it rip!'

Both beys got launched in. Valt then looked at Spryzen. With a gasp of recognition, he realized Shu's launching arm was his left hand. But it was too late. The launch was so accurate, so fast, and timed to the moment, Valtryek was knocked out in first contact. Everybody else except Shu and I gasped as Valtryek hit the ground with a gentle clink. Valt retrieved his bey, shoving it back into his pouch.

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