Chapter Fifty-Three: Ewan's Revenge

Start from the beginning

However Elena wasn't convinced she knew Robin always had his phone on him and usually answered back in five minutes if he wasn't at training; she chewed on her lip hoping that everything was okay. 

"They could be playing FIFA," Roxanne reassured checking her phone before she noticed that Nemanja hadn't texted her back either, she didn't want to panic and she hoped that he was just distracted. 

Sending him another text, Roxanne tapped her foot waiting to see if he would reply to her; he never ignored two text messages and she worried what it meant when he didn't text back again. 

"Okay, now this is dodgy, Nem hasn't text me back yet," Roxanne murmured feeling worried a little herself, before she inboxed Wayne and Rio asking if Nemanja and Robin were with them. 

However when she received the short reply of no from Rio and there was no response at all from Wayne, it was clear that something was wrong and the two men had been trying to hide it from them. 

Roxanne looked at her friends in panic moving to call Nemanja while Elena did the same hoping to get some sort of response; however Roxanne's call only rang three times before someone who clearly wasn't Nemanja answered. 

Elena quickly hung up her phone when she realised that Roxanne's call had been answered, she set down her phone on the table while Roxanne stuck her phone on speaker so that the others could hear what was being said. 

"Hello, who is this?" the voice on the other end asked, it was clear from the accent that it was someone from Manchester; Elena swallowed looking at Roxanne, who was clearly not happy about not being able to get a hold of her husband.

Coleen held her breath, she cursed Wayne for not calling her and telling them what was happening; she guessed that Robin and Nemanja were trying to keep this quiet until they were sure about what was going on. 

"This is Roxanne Vidic. Who is this? And how do you have this phone?" Roxanne demanded knowing that Nemanja wouldn't have lost his phone, she was far from happy with this and wanted answers. 

Elena and Coleen were silent watching Roxanne, they didn't want to interrupt in case the person on the other end of the phone hung up leaving them without any answers. 

"Ahh Mrs. Vidic, I am working on the case along with the London department about the battery charge on Officer McDonald by Mr. Vidic and Mr. van Persie. They have been arrested and are waiting questioning," the man informed the three, he didn't seem to notice the sudden shock at what he was saying. 

Elena and Roxanne stare at each other in shock, they couldn't believe what they were hearing; the younger brunette felt herself tear up while Coleen passed her a tissue while Roxanne also started to get emotional. 

"Mr. McDonald has officially named Mr. Vidic and Mr. van Persie as his attackers therefore they have been arrested for assaulting a police officer," the officer said making Elena blink back tears; she couldn't believe that this was happening while she was on holiday. 

It scared her how fast Ewan had acted and Elena could only imagine what was waiting for her at home, she prayed that Bouchra hadn't gotten her hands on the children since there was no way that Robin could have done this. 

"Who is with them at this moment?" Roxanne asked while Colleen looked at her friends concerned, it was clear that Ewan was up to no good and was abusing his power. 

It made no sense to her how he had been allowed to return to the police force, Roxanne was going to make sure that he didn't get away with falsely accusing her husband of assault.

"Mr. Rooney," the officer informed them making Elena groan in response; she knew that in any other situation, she would have laughed at that answer but right now she couldn't. 

Coleen bit her lip, she knew that her husband was probably being very helpful but he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed; she had no idea what Wayne might have been telling Nemanja and Robin at that very moment. 

"Put him on the phone, I need to speak with him now," Roxanne insisted dreading to think what the Scouser had said while he was with them; she had no idea what had happened but she wanted someone to tell her the truth. 

Roxanne did wonder why Wayne hadn't called and told them while he had been tweeting earlier, but she would ask him that when she spoke to him; she just wanted to know what had happened and why Ewan was being allowed to get away with these horrible accusations. 

"I'm afraid, I can't do that," the officer said making Elena and Coleen look at Roxanne warily, they knew that she wasn't going to take no for an answer; they were sort of glad that she wasn't going to. 

Elena brushed her fingers against her bump, she guessed the holiday was over now and the flight back to Manchester wasn't going to be an easy one; she feared what she might find when she did get home. 

"But you will do it, unless you want three pregnant hormonal ladies on your ass," Roxanne told him making Colleen giggle as the officer quickly agreed and went to get Wayne; they were going home to sort this mess out.

*** A Few Hours Ago ***

Robin furrowed his brow pausing the game of FIFA that they were playing, he looked at Nemanja who shrugged as the bang on the front door became persistent as the person continued to knock. 

Robin was still waiting to hear if Ewan was being allowed back into the police force, he had no idea what would happen but he was sure that they would be given a warning before he was allowed to return to work. 

Handing his controller over to Wayne, Robin got to his feet and moved to answer the door; he felt his stomach drop when he saw the blue flashing lights outside. Slowly opening the door, Robin paused at the sight of the cuts and bruises that covered Ewan's face; the fact that he was also wearing a police uniform made Robin's stomach drop and he felt sick. 

"Mr. van Persie, we are arresting you and Mr. Vidic for assaulting a police officer of the law," Ewan announced making his two colleagues step forward, he held back a smile at the shocked look on Robin's face knowing that this worked out better than planned. 

Nemanja approached him from behind and Wayne hovered a little bit back with the children, he could see that things weren't going to go down well; none of them could believe what they were hearing or seeing.

"We haven't assaulted anyone," Nemanja insisted while Robin swallowed, flashes of the last time he was arrested flittering through his mind and making him feel ill; he was suddenly glad that Elena wasn't here to see this.

The last thing that Robin wanted was to stress his poor wife out even more, he wanted to protect her from this for as long as possible; she didn't deserve to hear about this from the press. 

Ewan smirked as he watched Robin and Nemanja being hand-cuffed, he couldn't believe how well his plan was coming together; he was a little disappointed that they didn't fight back but it didn't really matter now. 

"I beg to differ... the evidence is all over Constable Ewan's face," one of the officers replied making Robin and Nemanja look at Ewan in horror as they realised that he was behind this.

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