Family reunited!

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She/he has a hair pin in her/his hair thats a Septiceye Sam

Felix's POV

Tears spring to my eyes as i remember my adopted daughter Vanessa and my close to being wife, Marzia.

"Oh yeah and a couple more things." Kimberlea blurts in

"Marzia! Come on in!"

The door opens as i put my hands over my mouth tears streaming down my face as I see Marzia and Vanessa. I run up to them and swing my arms around Marzia with her returning. I look at her and share a long and loving kiss as Vanessa hugs us both. I put an arm around Vanessa while kissing my one and only lover. Marzia started laughing as I deepen the kiss pulling her close to me.

We stop kissing only holding each other with Vanessa. Vanessa is taller than Marzia even though she is 23. We adopted her when she was only 12 years so she's almost as old as me and Marzia are.

"Hi, Felix." Marzia coos as she wipes tears from my face

"H-hi...I mi-issed you s-so much..." I sob feeling week in the knees

"We missed you too." Vanessa says

We all release each other out of the hug and sit down on the couch.

Ken's POV

Kimberlea stands up quickly looking at all of us.

"But wait, there's more!" She yells

"What?" I say as she looks at me

Kimberlea closes her eyes and puts her hands on my head.

"Remember you're family..." She whispers as I see color full lights appear around me.

What looks like videos or memories inside my head...looks like...

" wife..." I say under my breath

Mary picks up a little girl. My heart sinks as I say her same with lonelyness.

" daughter..."

The memory fades away as I see my friends with their family again. Kimberlea takes her hands off my head and sits roughly on the floor.

"I...I have a family..." I say as I comprehend what I remember

Kimberlea nods in agreement as I cry in my hands. The door opens again as I turn my attention to it. Mary comes in holding Layla on her hip. I burst into tears as I hear Layla say.


I run up and grab my only daughter and carefully hug Mary since she's again pregnant. Mary cries along with me as I hug Layla tighter and rub Mary's back.

"We missed you so much!" She laughs while still crying
We three sit down on a long couch and snuggle together.

Kimberlea's P.O.V

I fall on the floor weak from using my powers too much. (How else would've everyone get here?) Ken meets his family and snuggles on the long leather couch in my office.

'I wish my family was here...' I think to myself

The door knocks another time. Lisa gets the door smiling making me confused. A gun pops out pointing at Lisa. Using the energy I have left I stand up and run to Lisa stopping next to her looking at the silver gun. A man that looks exactly like Mark but with a pink mustache and pink suspenders holding a baby with a pink dress, looks at Lisa and says.

"Where's Kimberlea!"

Tears form his eyes as he finally looks at me. I cry out suddenly to him.


Something touched and something cherished. Septiplier (SMUT) Completed...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن