The Poker Party

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"You have beautiful eyes, Kimberlea. " William whispered. 

I blushed a deep red until I heard a familier voice. I turned around and I saw Damien and someone else talking.

Damien looked at me with a big smile on his face.

"Well isnt it, Kimberlea Pickens and William Warfstache" He said

I felt William's arm around me where his hand was resting on my hip.

"May I say, Kimberlea, but you look so astonishly  beautiful! " Damien said

I heard William growl and I looked at him.

"Well then, Damien. I have to talk to you for a
second. " William growled deeply

He unwrapped his arm and he grabbed Damien's shoulder and they went into another room.

I went to Tyler because Lisa and Faith were talking to the other guy that was talking to Damien.

"Good evening, madam. " He said

" Um, do you know where the bathroom is? " I asked

"Yes it's down the hall where Mr. William and Mr. Mayor went, but it's on the right. " He answered

"Thank you, Tyler"

"Anytime, madam"

I went down the hall and to the right so I can look at myself in the mirror before I did anything.

I had a red plaid shirt, jeans, shoes, and I wore my glasses which they were a midnight blue color.

I wore a ponytail that was held high and I put my bangs in my face covering my left eye.

I heard shouts from William so I went to the door that was cracked open and I crouched down so I can see better.

"What's up with you and trying to steal a woman that I like?! " William yelled

"I'm NOT stealing a woman that you like I was just making a comment! " Damien yelled

"This is the second time you are going to steal a girl that I like!" William yelled

"The other time was two years ago, Will! " Damien shouted

"That doesn't matter! " Will yelled

"What if I was going to steal her, huh?  What if I decided to rape her?! " Damien screamed

That scared me so bad. I got up, and started to run, but I slipped on carpet and fell on my back sending a sharp pain through it.

It hurts so bad because it was broken once. It had broken when my old band teacher, Mr Barker or Mr. B, put all force of his foot onto my back which had broken it.

Well that's another long story but anyway.

I tried to get up but couldn't because it would send sharp pains in my back.

I heard many footsteps coming towards me and I opened my eyes to see William over me.

"Kimberlea!  Are you okay?! " He yelled

"I-i don't know. " I grunted

"Here lets get you up. " Damien suggested

They both put out there hands and I grabbed one in each hand. They pulled me up while I felt another sharp pain in my back.

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