"Okay okay, bailiffs, let them in" I ordered. They let go of Swap.

" Your honour" Swap said climbing up the witness stand "It was............ Underfell Sans." Everyone once again gasped dramatically.

"Bring Fell in the court at this instant" I ordered. G and Sans stood there in anticipation.

Lust, Neko and Reaper dragged in a struggling Fell.

"Fell, where is Smol?" I asked him.

"Where is your brother you monster?!?" Sans and G screamed.

"My clients, please keep your voice down, it is very disrespectful of you to yell like that in the court" Ink said.

"Ahahahhaha" Fell laughed "You'll never find him, he is hidden some-" Fell's eyes widened as Horror came in with a crying SmolSans, followed by Dance. Everyone gasped once again.

"Hi guys, I found him under the sofa crying, so I took him here" Horror walked up to me and then his eyes fell on the others who were staring at him. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked hesitantly. I left my position, and hurried to the kid. I put down Paper and grabbed SmolSans gently.

"He is hungry" I muttered looking at the baby. I pecked his forehead, quickly removed the robe, revealing my (f/c) tank top and black leggings, and then I walked to the kitchen.

"Nightmare! C'mere, I need you for a sec" I called out as I stood outside the kitchen. He teleported beside me. "Open the door" I commanded.

"What? I'm not your damn servant" he retaliated.

"Open the goddamnit door, my friend" I gave the black form a death glare. He flinched and quickly opened the door.

"Now, if you'll stay, I'll have you hold this little bundle, and if you don't want to handle this crying baby, send in Ink" I said. He saluted and teleported away, then teleported in with Ink, then again teleported off to somewhere.

"Wha-?" Ink looked surprised.

"Hold my baby for a sec, don't dare hurt him" I handed over Smol to Ink, and began boiling milk. As I was done, I put it in a bottle, and checked the temperature. And tasted the milk by putting a drop of it on my hand.

"I still wonder how they eat" I muttered to myself, and gently snatched Lilbucko, and settled on a chair, bringing the milk to his mouth. Bucko happily drank the milk.

"Why are you standing there like a statue, Ink?" I looked at him, as he watched me.

"N-nothing" he ripped his eyes away.

"Well, at least sit down, you standing there is making me uncomfortable" I motioned to the chair. He quickly sat down on one, and placed his left elbow on the table, and supported his head with his left hand. His right hand drumming the table. He watched me with a blank look. I just shrugged it off, knowing him, he must be either curious or enthralled.

"PJ told me you're not a good parent" I spoke suddenly, rocking BabySans when he drifted off.

"Huh?" Ink asked, shooting up.

"He told me you never paid him much attention. Do you even know how to take care of a kid?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the baby.

"Not exactly, I just couldn't help it whenever I saw a new universe. But I tried my best. Better than Error, he disowned PJ as soon as he saw him" Ink muttered. I smiled at his confession, he always avoided talking about PJ, and same goes to Error.

"So, you love Paper?" I asked.

"Yes, I love him deeply, but I..... I am disappointed in myself. I tried.... but failed. I wanted to be a better parent, but..... ugh... I'm so stupid. I should have given him more attention" Ink laid his head on the table.

"I won't assure you, you do deserve this, although, it was really cute to see you two together, you taking care of him, showing him new things, the image I still can't forget, it is really cute. But you know, whenever you left him, he would get sad, he figured out that you just took care of him because you felt responsible. That's why he left, he told me." I said, remembering the times PJ and Ink were together. How he called me mom, how he would sit by me, how he would waddle, it was adorable. I love taking care of him, and I loved watching Ink take care of him. A small smile crossed Ink's face.

"You looked really nice whenever you two were together. It was quite a scene, and whenever he would call you mom, and me dad, I felt like a happy family. But he's grown up now..... even though he's turned into a kid" Ink smiled.

"Don't get any ideas" I shot him a playful smile, he stuck out his rainbow tongue at me.

"I do feel bad for not being a good parent" Ink frowned.

"Paper has already forgiven you, he understands " I smiled. Ink shot up. His eyes filled with excitement.

"Really?" He asked.

"Uh huh" I smiled. He ran over and from behind me and wrapped his hand around my waist, leaning his head over my shoulder.

"You have no idea how much that relieved me" Ink smiled, his breath tickling my neck.

"Trust me when I say, I know" I smiled. I looked back at Smolbean, who had finished his bottle and was yawning.

"Awwe, he's so cute" Ink said from behind me.

"I know right" I smiled as the door opened, and in came Nightmare, followed by Error who was grumbling whilst holding a sleeping Sans. Nightmare looked at me, and his eye disappeared, and black gooey hearts formed above his head, floated up, bursted and disappeared. Error began glitching.

"Uhh....." I said, leaning back a bit, resulting into me being pushed against Ink.

"Hey Error, howzzitgoin?" I could practically feel the smirk in Ink's voice. He then proceeded to let go of me.

"Hey hey, you look glitched to the bone, don't be like that or you'll hurt yoursoulf, she's not your soul mate after all" Ink said. Error handed Sans to Nightmare, then lunged at Ink and chased him to wherever.

"Hey Nightmare, you can either hold Sans until I'm done, or hand him over and watch the kids" I offered.

"I'll go with the latter" he said and walked up to me as I adjusted, he gave me Sans and walked off. I just smiled at the sleeping skeleton.

Error is jealous of Ink, does he like you? Don't look at me, I've no idea.

Nightmare looks like he ships you, his OTP, oh ma gawd.

KIDastrophe (AU Sanses X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now