"Your cousin really cares for you." I wipe away my tears and calm myself. I never thought that the first day I am here will be full of tears.

"He is just worried because I am not familiar within the life here in the city." She help me cleaning my clothes with stain. "So, tell me how did you and Ajax met?"

"It was around a day ago, where we first arrived within the city. Edward offered me to tour me around and after other turns we stopped at a basketball court. Where his friends are playing." Raine listens to me intently.

"Edward introduce me to them and only Ajax didn't give notice about it." Raine is suddenly confused. "That's it?" I shake my head. "When Edward introduce me, he doesn't mind to it and told me that I am a plain girl."

"Well, that's really Ajax." Edward come back with a set of clothes. I change my clothes and keep the stained clothing I had. "I will talk to Jenny and Ajax. I don't want to make your first experience within the University be a bad memory. This is some sort of misunderstanding, please be careful wherever you go. When you get a chance to meet them again in the hallway avoid them immediately." Edward already giving me advices to not let this happen again. He faces Raine. "I will leave her to you. When something bad happens please protect her for me." Raine nod.

"I will get going now. See you after class Marie." Raine checks my schedule and she smiles at me. "We all have the same classes. But this time, we need to find our own University club as a part of our extracurricular classes. We should find one."

Checking the bulletin board will show us the different clubs within the University. But one caught my eye. "I plan to enter the Performing arts club." Raine smiles so wide. "I have the same choice! Let's go."

The club is situated near at the theater hall of the University. There are few students already in the room. But I stop myself for coming in. For all the places, it's him.

"Marie! I never thought that you are here." Jack said. "Well, we all are here. Luckily she is not in this club."

"I thought you will be in a sports clubs." Jack put his arms at my shoulder. "We are in a sport club, but our club required us to have another club except sports." He let me sit down at the front which Ajax sits at the back row.

"Don't worry about Jenny, Marie. She is just an obsessed girlfriend of Ajax who loves to get attention." Kevin said while sitting at the top of the table.

"Oh, Marie has a friend. May we know your name?" Jack asks. Raine was sitting beside me.

"I'm Raine." Paul shakes his hands with her. Some students come and we are 14 in total together with the President and the assigned Professor within the club.

"Before we start the main point of the club. To get to know you, please say your name, nickname, and describe yourself. Let's start with you." She points at Raine.

"Good Day, my name is Raine Mckenzie, you can call me Raine, I am a nerd and with a mind of Einstein." Everyone laughs.

"Next." The President said.

I stand up and all eyes on me. "Hi, my name is Marie Evergarden, you can call me Marie, I am just a girl who grow up in the rural side." The President smiles at me and nod.

After the introductions I remember everyones names, aside from Raine, Edward, Paul, Kevin, Jack and Ajax whom I know already. There is David, Rose, Marrine, Racey, and Devon.

"So, it is nice on meeting you everyone. Once again welcome at the Performing Arts Club!" The President cheerfully said.

"There will be a lot of projects within the club but the greatest project that we will be doing is for the closing ceremony of the semester." The president shows the plans within the powerpoint presentation. "But first we must focus on the minor ones before we start on the major play. Within the midterms that will be the time we are going to practice for the major project." For a few minutes the club meeting is done and finally my first day has ended

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