"That's hilarious, no wonder why Error is traumatized!" I laughed. Error stood up after rebooting. He gagged.

"That was the worst thing I've ever seen!" He said. We all laughed. "I hate Ink" Error gagged.

"I love you too" Ink wiped a tear.

After the laughter died down, we all settled down, the sleeping Sans and Babybones in my arms, Dream on my lap along with Lust and Outer. Reaper and Dust were on my shoulders and G leant on me, I somehow managed to wrap my arm around him. Neko was lying on my head on his not present tummy.

Fresh was sitting on Error's right arm and Paper was on Error's left one. Horror sat on Error's lap, who mumbled grumpily.

Fell, Swap and Geno sat on Ink's lap. Cross sat on Ink's right shoulder and Dance sat on his left one.

"I hate this, I never applied for this" Error growled.

"You didn't, they pulled you in, don't worry, they won't remember anything when they become normal, hopefully" Ink snickered.

"Shut up Ink" Error snapped.

"Alright kids, I have told you so many stories, now its your turn. You guys will tell all of us stories, and G, how about you go first. Dream, you can go next" I smiled warmly.

"Sure!" G smiled and started story telling. He was good at it, learnt it from Error, I can tell, and Error was smiling smugly.

G told us a story about a girl who was betrayed but still found love after so much trouble and it was worth it. We all clapped.

Dream went next, telling us a story of Ink and Error together with kisses and all. Thankfully, he left the screwing part. We all giggled evilly looking at Error, who rebooted. Ink was giving Error the most evil glance one could muster. We all laughed after the story.

Paper and Fresh narrated a story together, in their perspectives.

Horror told us a story about how he gave a girl PTSD when she fell down, and then killed her after she fell down again.

Dust told us a story about a killer that got killed by another killer.

Geno told us a story about how a man loved a girl but couldn't have her. We actually cried.

Cross told us about a man who lost everything and when he tried to make things right, he died.

Lust told us about a girl who fell in love but was betrayed and then she killed herself.

Fell told us a story about how a man got so many scars and everyone called him cool. Yeah, pretty weird, but its nice, scars make you look pretty cool.

Swap told us a fairytale about a flower and a girl and how the flower was a handsome prince, Asriel most likely.

Neko told us a story about the life of a cat, in details. It was pretty saddening.

Reaper told us about the story of a dying girl, who cracked so many puns and in the end got to keep her life.

Dance told us about a person chasing his dream, and finally after so much trouble, he was successful, truly motivating.

Outer told us a story about the origin of a star and its autobiography.

Sans had woken up by the time, so he told us a story too. About a man who got depressed after seeing his friends die again and again and again. He tried to kill himself but it didn't work, so he killed the killer and failed, and after many failures, he gave up hope. We all actually cried at the story, clutching Sans tighter, but as he finished his story, he told us about how everything turned out to be right in the end.

"Wow, that was something, you kids sure have a wild imagination... And life, but oh well, its time for ....." I checked my watch ".... Dinner. Amiright Ink?" I looked at him and he nodded.

"And what about your brush?" I looked at him, not finding his paintbrush anywhere. Error snickered.

"My broomie!" Ink held Error and shook him "where's my broomie!?!" He shouted. I snickered before leading the kids away so that we can watch them fight peacefully from safety.

After a while of Ink's crying, I began feeling bad so I forced Error to bring back the paintbrush. Ink showered the brush with hugs and kisses, if Error wouldn't have been there to stop him, I am sure Ink would have made out with his brush already.

Sorry, guys, I had a long day yesterday so I forgot to update.

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