Emily was sitting at the head of the table with Timothy seated at her side, the both of them with silver platters in front of them, some kind of pasta dish and garlic bread on top of their plates.

Cliff hurried in front of us and pulled out two chairs next to where Emily sat. Liam sat at the corner, closest to Emily, and I sat beside him, thanking Cliff cheerfully as he pushed my chair in while I sat down. The next thing I knew he was gone through another door in the room which was now filled with the clangs of silverware against plates.

I looked over at Emily just as she speared some noodles and a piece of asparagus with her fork. "You look overwhelmed." She noted happily, lifting her fork to her mouth and taking a bite of her food.

I chuckled. "You have a beautiful home, that's all." I said, and Liam snorted.

"Aubrey about keeled over when I showed her the ballroom." He teased, and I kicked his shin under the table. I didn't kick him hard enough though, because he continued to smirk at me, his eyes teasing.

Timothy laughed. "Yes, it would be beautiful if we could put it to use. Sadly it seems people here don't really take to the mansion well." he chuckled, taking a bite of his pasta.

"Or maybe it's just because they don't know us." Emily pointed out.

Liam rolled his eyes. "Mom is always the optimistic." He sighed, and I giggled.

"Yeah, I'm more of a glass half full kind of girl too." I told her with a grin and she winked at me.

"Good, there's no such thing as too much positive thinking. You should listen to Aubrey, Liam. Maybe she can teach you a thing or two." She chuckled, the skin at the corner of her eyes wrinkling as she smiled at the both of us warmly.

Liam scowled. "Hah, that's laughable." He said, and just as I was about to defend myself the doors Cliff had previously disappeared through were being pushed open.

Cliff entered the room carrying two silver platters with the same pasta and bread on top of them, setting them down in the table in front of Liam and I. "Shrimp and Asparagus Sauté." He chimed, handing me a fork and spoon wrapped in a napkin. I thanked him while Liam did the same.

"Sit and eat with us, Cliff." Timothy said to him before Cliff could skate off again.

His footsteps paused for a second before he turned back to us, beaming. "I shouldn't impose." He declined Timothy's request humbly. However, Timothy, Emily, and Liam all shook their heads with a scoff.

"Don't be ridiculous." Timothy chortled, and Liam stood up.

"I'll get you a plate from the kitchens Cliff." He said, but before Liam could move Cliff quickly put his arm around Liam's shoulder and steered him back to his seat.

"Very well, I'll be right back with my own plate." He said with a chuckle, and walked back towards the door he entered through, shaking his head.

I laughed and picked up my fork, spearing a bite of shrimp and pasta and putting it in my mouth. It was delicious, definitely the source of the wonderful smell that had filled the whole foyer.

"So, tell us about yourself, Aubrey." Emily said after a moment of all four of us eating. Cliff came back into the room and sat down at the corner opposite Liam, beside Timothy. Their eyes flicked towards me intently, and I giggled.

"What do you want to know?" I asked, not uncomfortable with the question.

Timothy took another bite of his dinner and looked up at the ceiling in thought as he chewed. "Family; we'll want to know about that."

"Hobbies and interests, too." Emily added, and Timothy nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps any special abilities." Cliff joined in and he, Emily, and Timothy all exchanged grins.

Liam scoffed and dropped his fork. "Please don't interrogate her." he moaned, setting his face into his hands with his elbows propped up on the table.

Everyone including me, but minus Liam, laughed. "No, I don't mind. I think Liam would agree with me when I say I like talking." I said smugly, and Liam let down his hands, looking at his parents with wide eyes.

"That woman could talk on her death bed. Hell, even after she's dead she'd probably still be jabbering away!" he told them, and there was a hint of a laugh in his voice.

"You like it." I said teasingly, and he glared at me playfully, rolling his eyes.

"Sure, you caught me." he said sarcastically, while Emily, Timothy and Cliff all continued to laugh at our squabble.

"Anyways, I don't really have a big family. I have an older sister named Carly who's married and lives in North Carolina with her husband Chuck, and my parents' names are Cindy and Ron..." for a second I wasn't sure what else to say about my family, which really alarmed me.

I couldn't even use more than five sentences to tell them about my own family.

I decided to skip to the next question. "I don't really have any hobbies, but I do play guitar if that counts as anything." I giggled and Emily raised her eyebrow.

"Do you now?" she asked happily, perking up in her seat

I blushed pink. "Yeah, but I don't play for anyone. It's kind of just something I do for me." I shrugged and they all nodded to get me to continue. "Gah, interests... well I like music a lot. I don't much like the music now a days, so I really just listen to The Grateful Dead, the Beatles, The Eagles, and etcetera." I said, and Timothy smiled widely.

"I like her already, Liam." Timothy said, causing Liam to hide his face in his hands again. I giggled, but felt my cheeks turn pink. I didn't really know why, but it meant a lot that the Silvers liked me. their opinion mattered, and as they kindly listened to me talk, I was beginning to feel more and more at home, something I had never really felt even in my own house.

Blue Moon.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora