Chapter 13

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Mr. Gene began to walk through the room, passing out one large piece of paper to each group. "Please use markers on this diagram, and make it look nice. Pages 235 through 248 should give you enough information on the judicial branches to make your diagram, and once you're finished with your diagram is where we get into the root of the project." He handed me a piece of paper and walked away, setting the extras on his desk and taking a seat on his stool in front of the class.

"To ensure that you all completely understand this project, and since I know that many of you learn better with hands-on activities, you will create an instance where checks and balances come into use in the judicial branches. I'd like a visual image, perhaps a comic strip for those who are artistically inclined, along with a written explanation, one page in length, double-spaced on the computer."

I looked over at Liam with furrowed eyebrows, and he sent me back the same bewildered look. "And for those who'd rather not make a visual image, you may put together a skit dealing with your situation. I still expect a pagelong explanation with that as well. We won't be working on this tomorrow, so it's due the next day, which is Wednesday." he said, nodding his head.

A few people groaned, and to that he rolled his eyes once again. "Oh yes, you're actually going to have to work in class today. Shocking." he droned sarcastically.

However, one question still remained on my mind. I raised my hand and he nodded at me when he saw me. "How are we supposed to get all of this done by today?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"I don't expect you all to get done. I want a good quality project, so by no means should you rush to finish. You will probably have to work together on this as homework." he shrugged simply; however at that I looked over at Liam who turned white.

He caught my eye and shook his head. "We are finishing this today." he said with determination, grabbing the large white paper and setting it on his desk. He hopped outof his seat and walked towards the front of the room where Mr. Gene was setting out a bucket of markers for everyone.

Liam came back with a cornucopia of different colored markers, setting them down with a clang as he sat back down in his seat. He uncapped a black marker and set the tip to the top of the paper, writing "Judicial Branches" in neat letters.

Next he grabbed his book and opened it up to the page Mr. Gene recommended, but I was too busy grinning to assist Liam.

He must have taken notice to my stillness because his blue eyes fell onto me. "Are you going to help or not?" he grimaced, and I chuckled.

"Liam, we are not going to finish this today. Let's just plan on meeting at one of our houses after school-"

"That's laughable." He interrupted me, and I arched an eyebrow at him.

"Why is that so funny?" I asked, still grinning.

"I'll just take it home and work on it myself." He shook his head, but at this I snorted.

"Liam, you just told me you always forget to do projects!" I mused, and he scowled.

"Then you take it home!" he pressed, but at this I shrugged my shoulders.

"No, because then I'd be doing all the work. And if I do all the work I'm not putting your name on it." I said simply, and at this he glared at me.

"You are impossible." He moaned, and I laughed.

"Look, it's not that big of a deal Liam. If you're not doing anything today or tomorrow you can just come home with me after school and we'll finish it. No need to overreact." I rolled my eyes and he stared hard at me, pursing him lips.

For a second he just sat staring me, thinking it over. He obviously didn't want me over at his house, so it was either he came to my house, or got a zero in the grade book for this project.

"Fine, but we're not doing a skit. We're making a comic strip." He finally gave in, bending back over the diagram. I smirked and grabbed a purple marker, scooting the piece of paper between us so that I could help too.

The rest of thetime Liam and I spent making a diagram of each judicial branch and their duties. We got finished with just enough time before the bell rang to discuss an example. We decided on the president making a law that had to be either vetoed or passed by the other branches.

As everyone began to buzz about their examples,the bell due to ring any second, Liam and I stood from our seats and gathered our things. I rounded up all our markers and walked them back up to the bucket of markers at the front of the class. I tossed them in, and then turned on my heel to get back to Liam.

As I made my way to the back of the class I passed by Jake McCubbin, who only grinned when he caught a glimpse of me. "Hey Aubrey, you have marker on your face." he hollered at me, and I felt my face turn red.

I looked down at my hands and saw that marker was smudged all over them, which I had probably gotten all over my face too. I heard him and his friends snicker and I thought furiously for a witty comeback, but came up short. I turned my back on them and ducked my head down, meaning to disappear in my seat when I bumped into Liam.

As I looked red faced up at him, his eyes swept over my face, only causing me to grow more embarrassed. "You have nothing on your face, Audrey." He shook his head, and soon the embarrassment bubbled into anger. I shook my head furiously and pushed passed him, my head still ducked low.

"It probably sucks to be paired up with her, huh Silver?" I heard Jake say to Liam, and at that I wheeled around to say something back, but Liam beat me to the bunch.

"You're an asshole, you know that McCubbin." Liam frowned, his hands balling up at his side. Jake looked stumped as he looked at Liam, unsure if he had heard him right. Just then the bell rang and he was pushed out the door by his friends, who looked as if they didn't hear what Liam said at all.

I grabbed our diagram and hugged my things against my chest with my face down, walking for the door. I tried to ignore Liam as I passed through the doorway, but he walked by my side, his hand eventually touching my arm to get my attention. He looked down at me with a frown, and I tried my best to keep my expression even.

"I'm sorry about that." he said and I just shrugged.

"Unfortunately, he probably won't ever grow out of being an asshole, so don't be sorry." I said simply, pressing onward through the crowd. Liam however staid by my side, shaking his head.

"That's no excuse. What have you ever done to him?" he growled, and I sighed.

"Nothing, that's just how things work here, Liam; the big guys picking on the little guys. Except Jake got lucky this time, since I wasn't on top of my game. If I had been feeling up to it I'd have-" however at this Liam laughed, startling my rant.

I looked over at him and he was covering his mouth with his hand. "Or you'd have done what? Sit on him? All 100 pounds of you?" He cackled, and I narrowed my eyes playfully.

"I could take him." I insisted, and at this he reached forward and ruffled my hair up with his hand.

"Keep telling yourself that. I'll see you in study hall." He chuckled, turning down a hallway and leaving my side. My cheeks grew pink as I ran my fingers through my hair to put it back into place, and tried to ignore the butterflies slamming themselves against my stomach.

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