Chapter 5

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After I ate dinner with my mom and dad, I excused myself and set off on a walk, meaning to wonder towards the mansion. I never really told them that I was going to visit it because my mom didn't approve. Like everyone else, she though it was spooky, and that it wasn't right for me to sit outside and watch it. It was after all, someone else's property.

Though to be honest, I never really watched the mansion when it was inhabited by people. When people moved in, they staid for perhaps a max of 7 months, until they let the rumors get to them, and complained about some kind of super natural activity. So I waited it out until they moved before I went and observed it. Besides, it would be a little strange if the owners saw a young girl outside their mansion's gate everyday.

However, this time was different. Apparently no one had met the new comers yet, and every time I found myself over there I saw no activity except for the butler clad in black carrying groceries up the long drive. So, I didn't feel too weird for watching the house. In the corner of my mind I wondered if anyone had even moved in.

September was already starting to turn the trees orange, and the cool night breeze tickled my cheeks as I walked down the neighborhood street, although I had already left the worst of the suburban housing behind me. Tall, and dark looking trees were beginning to surround me, and before I knew it I could see the very top of the Gentry Mansion, then the body of it, and then the gate.

I smiled lightly as my black vans clunked against the cement beneath me, elated as I saw the tall black iron gate. However I heard the faint humming of a car and my stomach twisted with anxiety when I realized it was coming closer. Not really sure why I did so, I shuffled quickly towards the trees that lined the black concrete drive, hiding behind a thick tree trunk. I saw head lights and then a sleek, black car pass me, pausing with red taillights right outside the gate.

I saw a window roll down and an arm reach forward, pressing a button on the stone gate post. After a minute of stillness, a buzzing sound rang out and the iron gates separated, opening up to allow entry. The window of the car rolled up once again, and the car pulled into the mansion drive, parking just outside the deep threshold on top of the hill the house sat upon.

My mouth opened a little ways, feeling my feet propel me out from the shelter of the trees. I crept up the drive and towards the gate, stopping behind the stone built post. With a beating heart I peeked around the corner and at the car, the doors opening. Of course from the driver side emerged the butler, but what startled me most was the person who got out from the passenger side of the car.

I saw a mane of wild blond hair, and my heart leapt up my throat; Liam.

I smiled vaguely, watching with intrigue as he walked around the back of the car towards the back seat doors. He opened one up and leaned inside, bringing out two brown bags almost over flowing with items.

I figured they were groceries since the butler often went out to retrieve some, but a quiet giggle escaped my mouth when the butler stopped Liam, taking the bags out of his arms. Liam's body gave a jerk of protest, obviously wanting to help, but the butler just shook his head and touched Liam's shoulder with gratitude.

Apparently disheartened, his shoulders sunk and he handed the groceries over, following the butler away from the car and towards the threshold. However as the butler vanished from sight I saw Liam pause in his steps. Quickly, and I mean really quickly, he went back to the car, pulling out some more brown paper bags.

I grinned, shaking my head, and watched him march back up the drive with a triumphant bounce in his steps. I staid to watch some more, but Liam never came back out, only the butler. He made about three or four trips to the car until it was emptied, and he shut the back door. With that he turned on his heel and walked back up to the deep threshold, vanishing.

After about ten minutes I realized no one was going to come back out. I sighed lightly, and my body relaxed, stepping out from the coverage of the stone post. I gazed momentarily at the mansion, the red curtains glowing a little from the lights that were on behind them, and felt a small sense of sincerity. Someone like Liam should have the privilege of owning this house. He seemed right, like he fit in with its uniqueness and beauty.

Suddenly, making me jump, I heard a motor rumbling to life. Quickly I scrambled back behind the stone post, peeking around it only to see the headlights of a motor cycle approaching, though it wasn't going very fast. For a second it even sat idle, while the rider fumbled with a black helmet.

I knew immediately it was Liam because of his hair, and I raised my eyebrows, surprised that he rode motorcycles. He fastened the helmet onto him and for a second he lifted his head and looked up at the sky. I looked up too, and saw the moon in the midst of a thousand stars. It was almost full, a great big orb of white gleaming down on the both of us.

And then I heard the motorcycle's motor rumble loudly and he kicked off, the motorcycle shooting forward. As the iron gates around me opened I scrambled backwards towards the shelter of trees around me, hiding behind yet another tree as Liam shot through the gates and past me, unbeknownst to my presence.

I stared after him in awe, my mouth hanging open slightly. I watched the trail of dead leaves blow around in his wake and then he was gone, turning a corner and disappearing from sight.


The next morning I woke up to my alarm clock, loud and obnoxious. I hit the off button with my hand lazily and slipped off my bed. I opened up my closet and picked out a white v-neck shirt and then a pair of dark brown, straight legged corduroy pants. I ran a brush through my hair in my bathroom and straight ironed it until it was straight and soft.

With a glance in the mirror I deemed myself presentable and then shot off down my hallway, trotting down the staircase. In the kitchen I met Radio and Tucker, who both meowed at me as I stopped in front of the refrigerator. I grabbed a carton of milk and then moved towards the freezer where I plucked a box of Eggo Waffles from the inside.

I took two frozen waffles out and pushed them down into the toaster, then poured a good amount of milk into two bowls, setting them down on the floor for Radio and Tucker. They rubbed affectionately at my legs and then began to drink their milk, purring happily.

I hopped back towards the toaster which had just dinged, and with a pop sent up my now cooked waffles. I put the milk and the waffle box back into their proper places but got out the tub of butter in the refrigerator, using a butter knife to spread the butter onto the surface of my waffles. I folded them in half, and then put the butter away, walking towards the front door where my shoes and purse were. I shouldered my purse and slipped on my vans, skipping outside with a slam of the door behind me.

I got into my car and turned it on, backing out of my driveway and then driving to Cassie's house, nibbling on my waffles as I drove. I waited idle in her driveway for Cassie to come out, and when she did she was stumbling under the weight of her back pack. With a huff she plopped into the passenger seat of my car, throwing her back pack into the back seat.

"I had so much homework last night, it's not even funny." She scowled as I backed out of her driveway with a giggle.

"That backpack looked like it weighed more than you." I chuckled and she rolled her eyes.

"So, how did your walk go?" she asked as we drove, leaning forward to regulate the radio as always.

I took my eyes off the road for a second just so that she could see my big grin. "I saw Liam. He's with the family that lives in the mansion!" I squealed, and she looked pointedly at me, her mouth open in surprise.

"Hmmm, well that's interesting..." she said, and I nodded my head.

"He's got as butler, and he rides a motor cycle!"

"Sounds promising." She grinned at me and I giggled, my face turning hot with a blush.

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