Chapter 12

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Time began to pass like it always did, however school wasn't as horrid as it usually was. Although I began to feel slightly lonely in the evening, since I left Cassie at school for volley ball practice almost everyday, waking up in the morning had a new thrill to it. I'm not one to lie to myself, so I knew exactly why I was so excited for school now; Liam.

Sure Liam remained a mystery to me. No matter how hard I persisted with him, nothing I said could get him to talk about his personal life. It was like he was bottling everything up, keeping himself inside and everyone out. But even if we weren't having long, deep talks about our feelings and family life, it was okay. Alright, so we didn't have long conversations period, but it was better than him ignoring me.

There were minor improvements in our... acquaintance; I guess you could call it. I noticed that now during lunch, he sat across from me instead of diagonal from me. We sat beside each other in every class we had together, and he didn't put up much of a fight about it anymore. Once I even saw him in the hallway, and he glanced at me. Sure a glance doesn't seem like much, but to Liam, a glance was probably similar to him squealing at me and running to give me a hug in the middle of the hallway.

Like he said, he wasn't here to make friends, but I was sure giving him a lot to mull over. Since I am particularly loquacious, when I was around Liam I found myself going on and on about really nothing at all, but still I knew he was listening. He may scowl, or say something witty about how I never stop talking, but he was hearing me, and a part of me believed that he liked it.

I mean, he didn't shrink away from me like I was diseased. Sure he may wince once and a while, but I was convinced that he didn't hate me. A part of me felt that he was actually sort of relieved that there was someone who could interrupt his day of being totally ignored and separate from all of Peterborough High's students. I could tell because sometimes, if I watch close enough, he smiles as I talk. He'll act like he's wrapped up in homework while I'm saying something, but his hand will be immobile over his piece of paper, secretly taking in every word I had to say.

That was all fine with me though. He could pretend like he hated my presence, but the point was I was trying. I was trying so hard to not be a stranger to Liam. He was a new kid in a new town, and how awful would that be to have to endure it all completely, and utterly alone?

September crawled into October, the air getting much colder, and all the trees changing colors. Most were still stuck in the transitional yellow, but few had already started to shed their leaves, littering the ground with their crunchy brown foliage. It was beautiful though, no matter how chilly. I loved the fall, and I could feel the seasons changing with an eccentricity flowing through my veins.

The bell ending field biology rang through the school, and with a smile I gathered up my things. Beside me Liam was piling up his binder and textbook, tucking his pencil behind his ear. He watched me with pursed lips as I put all my papers back behind their proper divider, scrambling to get to my locker and to government.

He had one hand on his hip, and sent his other through his on-end blond tendrils. "You are helpless." He sighed, quickly reaching for my text book as I tried to carry it, my binder, my note book, and pencil pouch all at the same time. Needless to say, it wasn't working well.

I moved my hazel eyes towards him, his face scrunched up in irritation, my text book under his arm. "thanks." I sighed gratefully, the both of us starting for the door. I couldn't help but grin to myself however, since he never offered to help carry my things or hold the door open for me. However, he broke the habit of skating out of the classroom the second the bell rang, now taking his time to exit the class, usually with me at his heels.

I bumped the door open with my hip and the both of us set off for my locker, which he had never been at before. "God, I hope the test won't be hard." I sighed as we walked, speaking about the test in Field Biology Mr. Driskell said we'd be having the following day.

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