Chapter 22

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I pulled into my high school parking lot and drove around until I could find a spot. When I found one, I put my car into park and together Cassie and I stepped outside, hugging out things to our chests and making our way to the school doors. I reached forward and opened up the door to let Cassie in first.

However just as I stepped through the doorway, I felt something in me panic. Today Liam would be back in school.

I felt myself turn pale and as I fell into step with Cassie, my palms began to sweat. What would happen when Liam saw me? Would he pretend nothing happened? Would he shun me away, would he be angry? Did he even remember seeing me that night?

"Aubrey?" Cassie asked attentively, peering into my panic stricken face with concern. "You're looking a bit pale..." she commented and I tried to ignore my racing heart.

"I'm not feeling well." I told her with a quaky voice. She reached up and set her hand on my forehead as we walked, letting out a low whistle.

"You're burning up." She awed and took her hand away. "Should you go to the nurse?"

I shook my head. "I'm fine, it'll pass."

What would Liam think if I went home and he saw that I wasn't here today? He would think I was a coward. Or worse he may think I was avoiding him out of disgust.

But I wasn't disgusted at all. The only reason all this was so unsettling to me was because I had no warning. I found out the hard way. Never mind the actual fact that once a month Liam turned into a monster commonly appearing in horror films.

God, I really am a freak.

Cassie and I made our way to the senior lockers and stopped at our own, feeding our locks their combinations. I pulled my locker open and pulled out my Com Arts binder as well as my Hot Zone book. Cassie finished first and stood by my side, watching me suspiciously.

"Are you stressing out about your dad? Because I've heard that stress really can affect your physical health." She told me worriedly, and I forced out a meek chuckle.

"Cassie, don't worry about me. I'm okay, I'll be fine." It killed me to see her so concerned with me. She cared about me too much for her own good.

She chuckled sheepishly and shrugged. With that we made our way out the maze of lockers and were in pursuit of our English classroom when I felt my head swoon. "Cassie, I'm going to go to the bathroom. Don't wait up, kay?" I said to her hastily, turning on my heel and hightailing it back towards the restroom we had just passed.

I pushed through people until I was breaking through the bathroom door, relieved to find that it was vacant. I made my way over to the sink and placed my hands firmly over the ledge, my head hanging down from my shoulders. Once I caught my breath I looked up into the mirror and actually frowned at the girl staring back at me.

My face was pale and meek, uncovered by the makeup I forgot to put on. My hair was dull and on end from the countless times I had ran my fingers through it, and from forgetting to brush it. I pouted and turned my eyes away, turning the cold water on and dipping my cupped hands into the water. I splashed water over my face and reached for some paper towels after I turned the water off.

The cold water had felt wonderful on my hot face, and already I felt much better than I had a minute ago. I dabbed my face dry, stole one more glance into the mirror and then picked my stuff back up off the floor since I had thrown it down in my hurry to get to the sink.

I made my way to the door and opened it, stepping back into the crowded hallway of students trying to get to their first period class on time. I was making my way down the hallway when I felt a sudden yank on my arm, pulling me out of the flow of students and into an empty classroom whose door I was just passing.

The door shut behind me and the next thing I knew, I was being pinned up against the wall, a gorgeous set of icy blue eyes boring into mine.


"What do you want?" he growled, his hands gripping hard at my forearms and his face dangerously close to mine.

I blinked mystified at him. "What?"

He pressed me harder against the wall. "You heard me. What the hell do you want?!" he was furious, and suddenly I was reminded of that snarling wolf he had turned into, glaring murderously at me.

"Liam, I don't want anything. I don't even know what you're talking about-"

"You saw!" he raged, shaking me. "You saw, and no one knows. I want to know why you didn't tell anyone. What do you want from me for you to stay quiet?!" he demanded, his voice breaking near the end with grief. Now there was a hint of hurt in his angered expression, and I felt my heart drop.

"Liam, I would never blackmail you. I don't want anything from you at all." I aid innocently. Watching his face pinch together with skepticism.

"Nothing? You're telling me you're keeping my secret out of the goodness of your heart?" he sneered, still pressing me against the wall.

I nodded my head weakly. "Yes, you're my friend Liam-"

That really did it. "FRIEND?! Is that why you were spying on me?! You think we're friends, Aubrey?! You and your stupid questions, I should have known you were trouble from the start! You're too nosy for you own good! Well are you happy now? Great, you know I'm a werewolf! A Monster! Bravo, mystery solved, right? We can be true friends now that you know the trust huh?" he raved sarcastically, and each sentence only hurt me more then the first.

"Liam no, I was only on a walk that night when I happened to come by you and your house! I wasn't spying on you, and I never meant to pry into your personal life. I'm sorry, I didn't mean for anything to happen, I'm so sorry-"

"You're sorry?" he interrupted me incredulously, and I bit my lip. "Aubrey, I could have killed you if I had made it through that gate. I..." his face was softening, though his grip still staid firm on my arms.

We were both quiet for a moment; Liam's head hung low and staring forlornly down at the ground while I couldn't take my eyes off him. "I didn't tell anyone, not even Cassie. I won't tell anyone ever, and I don't want anything in return." I spoke finally, Liam's eyes hooking with mine,

He stared vacantly at me, his eyes searching my face for something I didn't know, but suddenly I was very aware of the pain in my arm Liam's hands were cause. "Liam, you're hurting me." I said to him quietly, and like that he let go of my arms.

He stepped away from me while I stepped away from the wall I had been pinned against, running a hand over the place on my forearm he had clutched. Without a word he turned on his heel and opened the classroom door, leaving the room to walk down the hallway.

I watched the door shut behind him, and suddenly the bell signaling the start of class rang out, filling my ears and rattling my brain. I just stood there, dazed, in the middle of that empty classroom, unsure how I should feel.

Liam had been so mad, but then again he though I was going to tell everyone about what happened. He even though I would blackmail him. It was outrageous, but made me feel guilty nonetheless. He obviously didn't know me at all. He obviously didn't know that I care about him. He obviously didn't know that my newfound knowledge about him didn't change a thing.

I still cared about Liam, and I was still going to be that persistent, nonstop-talking girl whom he pretended not to tolerate.

A tender smile found my face and I regained my composer, walking with a new pep in my steps as I exited the empty classroom.

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