"Want me to drive you there? " Camila asks, leaning herself against the wall as she watch Y/N grab his cane and stared at himself in the mirror.

"No thanks. " Y/N shook his head, groaning mentally at the eye bags visible in the mirror.

"Are you sure? It's really not a bother- "

"Nah, I'll be fine, " Taking one last pitiful look at himself, he turn around and left his room.

"What about after? I have some time so I can- "

"I'll be fine, Camila. "

Camila frown for a moment before smiling. "Okay. You have my number if you need anything. "

Y/N nodded before bidding goodbye to the brunette.

A few minutes later Y/N is sitting at the furthest back part of a public bus. His head leaning against the foggy window, hands gripping his black pants, while his suit and tie crinkled — to be fair he didn't had any time to iron it since he woke up late (again).

"I'm a mess. " He sigh frustratedly. The tips of his temple furrowed in pain as a headache formed.

All in all Y/N felt like burying himself back in bed while eating some unhealthy junk food.

Not a good way to spend a day.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Taking his phone out of his pocket — he smiled at the name shining.

(10:00 am) LJ: Yo 💣

(10:00 am) : Hey. What's with the bomb?

It didn't even take a second for Lauren to reply — which is one of Y/N's favorite thing about her. Some people answers minutes later, while Lauren answers less than 10 seconds. It goes to show who's interested and not.

(10:00 am) LJ: I'm the bomb! 😉

The laugh that came out of Y/N mouth was loud enough to gather looks from the passengers in the bus.

(10:02 am) LJ: You still there?

(10:03 am) : Sorry. I just laugh so hard at the oldest joke in the book.

(10:04 am) LJ: Joke? I was being serious 😠

This time Y/N laugh harder then last time. His hands kept banging against his lap as his mouth ache from smiling too much.

(10:08 am) LJ: You still there asshole?

(10:08 am) : Aren't you mean to your friend early in the morning

(10:08 am) LJ: Say's the person who keeps laughing at the fact I'm the bomb

Y/N bit back another laugh as he types back a reply.

(10:09 am) : Why do you think your the bomb anyway?

(10:09 am) : Ha! That's easy. Cause I make people's hearts 💥

Without really giving it a second thought Y/N fingers type out a reply.

(10:10 am) : You don't make my heart explode. Instead I feel it ache at your beauty.

That's what Y/N would have sent if he didn't came back to his senses.

(10:10 am) : Aside from your jokes — how's your day going so far?

(10:11 am) LJ: Tedious. The girls are either busy face-timing their families or stuffing there faces with food.

It didn't take a genius to figure out the person who's stuffing their faces.

(10:11 am) LJ: Wbu?

That was an easy question. Most people would type out there answers easily, but not Y/N.

It's not that his embarrassed about searching for a job in the city. These days good jobs are hard to fine. Especially when your handicap. It's just that he didn't want Lauren to worry, or maybe doubt him like Camila did.

(10:13 am) : Not much. Just surfing the net.

When Y/N didn't receive any immediate reply he figures Lauren probably when to the bathroom or something.

Now that Lauren is not texting him he could feel his stomach churning. Not wanting the nervousness to return Y/N looks out the window to distract his mind.

High rise buildings and several people in expensive clothing is the only thing Y/N could see outside.

"Seriously not helping, " Y/N mutter.


Y/N quickly open his phone.

"What porn!? " This time several people gave Y/N weird looks.

Y/N sunk back as deep as his seat could offer as his cheeks blaze red.

(10:17 am) : What are you talking about???

(10:17 am) LJ: What kind of porn are you watching now?

(10:17 am) : Your joking right

Y/N didn't even add a question mark.

It's a joke clearly. No one would question another person that question — especially not Lauren.

(10:17 am) LJ: It's not a joke.

Several messages followed that made Y/N choke out of thin air.

(10:18 am) LJ: Are you the rough type that like bondage and slapping?

(10:18 am) LJ: Or what about being the submissive as a woman rides the guy hard?

(10:18 am) LJ: Or maybe your like everyone else that watches those threesome on the net

(10:18 am) LJ: You dirty boy. Your actually the type to see your girlfriend getting fuck.

By the time the messages stop Y/N felt so embarrass that he felt like he was actually dying in it.

Then a thought pops into his head. A thought that clears everything up.

(10:20 am) : Your not Lauren.

At least not anymore.

(10:20 am) LJ: Oh, then who am I?
Y/N felt stupid that he didn't realize this before. It's crystal clear on who the person is.

(10:21 am) : The game's over Dinah.

The bus took a halt and at one glance outside was a sleek and modern building that has at least from one look; a hundred floors.

He grin. Even though Dinah played a dirty prank at him and Lauren — it was fun. And plus it took his mind off from the nervousness that was building up in his stomach earlier.

(10:21 am) LJ: Have a good day Y/N!

Y/N laugh as he got off the bus. After paying the bus driver he  calmly took deep breaths to prepare himself for the rest of the day.


(10:22 am) LJ: P. S. It's Ally 😊

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