"Well, who else can be strong for me?" I said.

"I can." He smirked, and I chuckled.


"I try." He smiled.

I shook my head as I felt a smile form on my face. "So, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much, just trying to focus on my photography and music."

I arched my eyebrow. "You make music?"

He nodded. "A little. Something new I'm trying."

"I try to make music too. I've been writing songs almost all my life; ever since I was in 8th grade."

"I know. You sang to me, remember? Then your step-brother came in and tried to beat my ass."

I blushed. "Yeah, about that, I'm really sorry. He just gets really over-protective."

"Yeah, I get that, but I feel like he's a little too over-protective of you." He said skeptically.

I felt myself getting kind of nervous. I couldn't help but to start to feel some kind of way about Coolie; as if he was trying to get onto something. "W-well, I don't know. Maybe he just was looking out for me, and I don't blame him. A lot of shit has been happening lately, in case you didn't notice."

He just nodded his head and dropped the subject. His phone began to buzz, and when he checked it, he let out an annoyed sigh. "Well, this was random. My producer wants to see me at the studio right now. He said it's some kind of urgency."

I nodded my head. After that whole tense moment, I was kind of glad he was leaving because I began to feel this intense vibe. "I understand."

He stood up before he walked over to me and gave me and deep, slow kiss. "So I'll see you later on tonight?"

"Yeah." I slightly smiled and he returned the gesture before giving me one last peck and leaving the hospital room. I let out a sigh, as if it felt like I was holding my breath. The tension in the room was almost so thick, I couldn't help but to feel fear. If word got out that Jahseh and I have been fucking around, that would make us both look very, very bad: especially Jahseh because he's been at the school way longer than I have, so for people to know that he fucked his step-sister? We'll be lucky if it blows over quickly. 

There was a knock on my door, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Come in!" I said. A head of half blonde and half black dreads peeked it's way in, causing me to slightly smile. "Hey Cruella."

He flipped me the middle finger as he came in and sat down beside me on the bed. "She was a savage anyway."

I shook my head as I chuckled. "Whatever."

He grabbed my hand. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm OK." I lied through my teeth. I know I'm not okay, but that's the lie I have to feed everyone, even Jahseh.

He sighed as he ran his fingers through his dreads. "How can you just handle this so calmly? Aren't you angry? I'm not trying to start somethin', but you're just handling this too well."

Because I've been through it before.

"There's a lot you don't know, Jahseh." I quietly said. 

His eyes softened as he looked into mine. His grip on my hand grew more secure, which made me feel safer for some reason. "Can I know? Please?" He sounded like a little kid.

"There's things about you that I don't know, Jahseh. I feel like we're both hiding things from each other, but I really need to know you more before you know me."

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