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"And if she could, she'd probably dance on my grave..."



"Jahseh, please!" I cried as I tugged at him but he didn't budge. The blood seemed to flow nonstop as the gunshot wound was beginning to bleed through the cloth he was holding. "Skyler, call 911 now!" Wifi yelled to Sky as he rushed to Jahseh's side and Sky pulled me away as I cried hysterically. 

"NO! NO! WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DO THIS?!" I shouted as Sky did her best to hold and comfort me. Using her free hand, she took out her phone and immediately dialed 911. 

"X, vro, come on! Get up!" Wifi tried to move him, but he still didn't budge. Ski stumbled back into the room with blood on his face as he tried his best to keep standing and focusing. "They  fucking got away." He said with pure anger in his voice.

"X, you gotta get up vro!"

(((Seven Hours Earlier)))


2:00 pm

I sighed in frustration as I ran my fingers through my short hair while laying in bed. I don't know what to do now that Janice and my stepdad decided to get married on Saturday, and now my relationship with Jahseh was on the line now. I love him, and it kills me inside to even think about having to leave him alone because of the marriage. While almost becoming completely zoned out to my thoughts, my phone began to ring, and I picked it up before answering.


"Hey, what time do we have to get to the hotel?" Jahseh asked from the other end, with clear dreadfulness in his voice. After I made the decision of us needing to pause our relationship, he's been in a mood where he didn't want to do much but be alone in his thoughts. But today, he couldn't do that, since it was his aunt's wedding day.

"It's starting at 8 tonight." I answered.

"Okay, what time you getting there?"

"I should be there around 7:30 or a little before 8 hits the clock."

"Alright, I'll see you then."

"Alright, bye." I said before ending the call. I let out a sigh of frustration; I hated the fact that  Janice and my stepdad decided to move the wedding date sooner than when it was originally supposed to be. I honestly find it strange how they decided to have a private wedding instead of the traditional one they planned to have, and to have it after the incidents between me, Jahseh, and both Janice and my stepdad. 

Shaking away my thoughts, I finally managed for myself to get up and find something to wear for tonight. As I looked through my clothes, my phone rang again. I picked it up to see that Sky was calling me.

"What's up boo?" I answered.

"Hey baldhead, what you doing?"

"Sitting here looking for something to wear tonight. They said to wear white, but I can't find nothing white."

"Store run?"

"Yeah, let's do it." I laughed. "I'll be there in 10."

"Alright." Sky said before she ended the call, allowing me to get up and leave my room with my keys, wallet, and phone. 

Distract Me [Kehlani×XXXTentacion]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora