Chapter One

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Electric Blue's POV~~

I ducked underneath the large tube in front of me, it looked similar to the Cryo-pods but no metal parts, only glass. I reloaded my gun, it was a beauty, it is an aliens gun equivalent to a rifle. When powered up it glowed a pretty blue, like electricity. Humming lowly, I aimed at the last Galra standing. He was suited for close combat, wielding a sword as he charged, one shot to the head took him out.

Standing I stretched my limbs for a moment then moved to the computer, hacking it was easy. It reminded me of a schools system on Earth. A cold pang hit at the thought of Earth, shaking my head I pushed it away. No time for that during a war. Downloading the Intel needed to get paid onto a flash drive. Quickly I rushed to the vents climbing in as I heard coming soldiers,  I managed to army crawl out of there and boarded my ship.

Nothing fancy, not yet anyway. With the new payment I would be able to get it a fresh coat of paint, it was black and sometimes hard to find. The inside had the pilot area, where I hung out with Astra whenever I had no job, my room which was decorated with paintings I did in my spare time, a bathroom, the kitchens room, and apparently Astra found a hidden room she claimed, no idea where it is though. 

Astra hopped over, she was a cat alien. She had black fur with specks of white, like stars, and purple eyes. Six tails, three eyes, and she could talk. She stood at the normal cat height of 9.8 inches tall.

"Got the Intel?" She purred, her paw poking at my arm as I drove us away from the angry Galran. Humming in agreement made her curl on my lap tiredly. "Does this mean we can get more food, I want more of that sushi you made." She continued with a yawn.

"Sure, but we need to fix the spare engine." I laughed, pulling my helmet off and pulling my brown hair into a low ponytail that got to the middle of my neck. Astra scoffed, it came more out like a growl, lifting her head up lazily, "More like beauty products, Lancey." She purred, squinting at me.

"Both, this is a lot of money." I defended, "Even enough for sushi things." She smiled contently and started drifting into sleep.

"Video Call from: Matt Holt" His ship announced in a female robotic voice.  "Accept or Deny?"

"Accept." He answered loudly, his ship was slightly deaf. Astra grumbled in her sleep, "Fix that thing."  

"Yo!" Matt cheered, smiling widely on the screen.

"Yello!" I cheered back, grinning. Matt had clearly recently cut his orange hair to it's old length, still he hardly looked like Pidge. "What can I help you with, I know you didn't call just to see this handsome face."

"You're right." Matt said nodding his head calmly, "About which part." I teased, Matt laughed then schooled his expression.

"Team Voltron managed to finally get a hold of us after a year." Matt started, I felt myself tense and nodded for him to continue. "They heard about you, or well. Electric Blue. They also know we were teamed up together. They want your help to finish the war, since Lotor and Hagger brought Zarkon back.Again." Matt explained, I didn't doubt he notice the way I shuddered at Lotor and Hagger's name.

"Okay, that's smart." I agreed easily, because in the war you needed as many allies as you could get.

"So I can set up a meeting? You would eventually have to tell them who you are." Matt reminded him gently, his friend side showing. I forced a grin, "Yeah, I know. They will have to deal with it. Besides, I get to see Real-Shiro again!" I said, looking at the bright side. Matt nodded, his eyes seemed lost. 

"Alright, I'll send you the coords when I have them." Matt said, they said their good-byes and ended the call.

"You sure you want to do this?" Astra pressed her grey nose against my arm, "You can always deny their request."

"I don't want to." I confessed, looking into Astra's eyes for some hint of what she was feeling, "But we need these connections if we are going to get through the war." She hummed in agreement.

"Okay. Let's eat. Put her on auto-pilot and make me something." Astra demanded, hopping off my lap and hurrying to the kitchen where she sat on the counter waiting for her meal.


I opened the coordinates Matt sent calmly as I bit into the purple pancake. Astra had ran away to her secret room to catch up on sleep while I drove us to the meeting place. Huffing silently,  I put my helmet on and headed to the planet Luthoner, it was a small planet inhabited by little frog people, and lizard people, the two races hated each other from what I could tell.

Driving slowly around the planet I saw the Castle ship and Matt's rebel ship. Mentally preparing myself, I drove closer, now I could hear Red's happy welcoming purrs, I sent back my own before landing beside Matt.

I could see Allura standing tall,  speaking to Matt. Her eyes had this worried gaze to it that turned to surprise as I walked over. Standing tall besides Matt and eyeing her down slightly, I pushed my anger down, you'd think I'd get over it.

"You must be Electric Blue. Though I believe that, that's a false name, may I know your real one?" Allura asked formally as she shook my hand politely. Not replying I looked at Matt with a raised eyebrow underneath my helmet.

"Sorry Princess, he isn't a fan of yours, and he doesn't speak much." Matt said waving me off lazily, Allura nodded but seemed uncertain now.

"Oh! Well then, which is your home planet, perhaps I have been there." She said, looking at Matt hesitantly before focusing on me.

"It's destroyed." I decided, my tone going a little deeper to hide my identity.

"We're here, Princess." Real-Shiro said as he walked over, the old team right behind him. Pidge seemed unsure and shy, Hunk looked like he was about to have a panic attack, Keith had an impassive expression, and Coran was speaking wildey to himself. I couldn't help but wonder what caused them to be like this.

"Ah, Paladins meet Electric Blue, may we just call you Blue? And Blue th-" I stopped her with a small wave of my hand, Matt picking up on what I meant immediately.

"He knows who everyone is, he is like a mega-genius." Matt cut in smiling. Shiro put his metal hand out for me to shake smiling kindly. Deciding this was the best time to introduce myself I shook it.

"Long time no see." I told him, my voice came out dully. Shiro pulled his hand back, a look of confusion on his face.

"Have we....met?" He pressed awkwardly, I looked at Matt.

"My voice isn't that different is it?" I asked frowning in confusion. Matt shrugged in his, 'not gonna help you' way.

Sighing, I slipped the helmet off glaring slightly at the shocked gasps that came from the Paladins and Coran.

"Lance, it has been a while." Shiro said smiling, he seemed genuinely happy. I nodded his eyes stayed on my ears. "Your ears..."

"Look Altean? Yeah, I know." I said frowning slightly, " But we aren't here to talk about that. We were going to talk about an alliance and it will need to be fast if I'm gonna get paid." Turning the last part to Matt who grinned. Muttering lowly to Matt, "And Astra is asleep if she wakes and I'm gone I owe her a shit ton of cash." Matt laughed as he patted my back.

"Yes." Allura coughed, seeming on auto-pilot.  "Lance." I looked at her, my cold expression no doubt back on my face.  "You look nice after these last four years. Must have been treating you well." Allura seemed unsure of how to handle this, and Shiro was frowning at her slightly.

"Not really." I replied coolly, crossing my arms as I waited for Matt to begin the alliance. He did, though it was a long and tired process.

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