Walking into the cave he pulled back the furred skin that was used as a door, he saw her lying on furs curled up in her red dress as she slept. He removed his mask and placed it on the stones nearby before he lay down behind his love and pulled her back into his chest, molding himself against her body as he kissed the back of her head.

          “Are you awake Samantha?”

          She mumbled slightly as she shifted deeper into the soft warm furs. “Where did you go? You left your son and me for a while…”

          He nuzzled her neck a bit as he pulled her even closer to his body. “You remember the painting?” he said in a soft tone. “I still promised you to deliver it like you asked; they’re at the manor today. So I dropped it off making them think I was a delivery man.”

          “I know…” she said softly. “I was there only for a moment; I wanted to see his family, to see how he was doing since what had happened. He looked like he didn’t want to be there.” Her voice dropped slightly into a bitter tone. “Not that I blame him for it…”

          With a scowl the Black Fairy made her face him in his arms. “You tried that out clause that I gave you, tried to get your brother to listen countless times when you could, but nothing changed. Do not blame yourself Samantha I do not like seeing you in pain like this.”

          She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close not saying anything back; he knew that she still blamed herself, and that he blamed himself for being so careless and not taking her with him all those years ago. Pulling away slightly she kissed his cheek, he cupped her face with his hand and kissed her lips deepening it as he did he moved to be on top. “I love you…” he said as he began to work at her dress so they could make love.

          She blushed slightly, still embarrassed in how much he wanted to show how much he needed, wanted, and missed her. “I love you too…”

          He smiled and leaned down to kiss her even more.

          “Hey!” Rabbit called as he came hopping in at fast speeds towards them. “We’ve got a problem in the human world! Holy…!” he screeched to a stop, sending dust flying.

          Sam looked at Rabbit, her eyes wide, startled from the sudden entrance as she blushed. The Black Fairy looking unimpressed by the creatures’ actions. Would she ever really get used to this?

          “What is it?” he demanded with narrowed eyes.

          Rabbit’s nose twitched. “It’s the manor! The bastard Allen is trying to claim ownership over the land again! And he brought men with him!”

          They both rose quickly, the Black Fairy using his powers to fix her dress as they stood still holding her close, he looked slightly irritated that they were interrupted but placed his hand with her’s and led her out of the cave and down to where the pool of water was, Rabbit leading the way. She saw Sebastian looking into the water while Lynx was on one side of the pool with Deer, the boy held onto Fox petting her fur as he watched the happenings.

          Every time she looked into the pool she would see her own reflection, and each time she had been taken aback, it had been six years and yet she did not age, it was another thing that she would have to get used to.

          Samantha sat down beside her son and tugged him to her side; the little boy wrapped his small arms around her and rested his head near her chest. “The man with the glasses scares me mother…”

          She ran her fingers through her son’s hair to sooth him, she looked to Owl. “What’s happened?”

          “Nothing yet but it looks like it’s going to get worse…”

          Looking back she saw Allen drawing a gun in rage after he had was told that Daniel had found the note and the key that Samantha had left behind for him.

Her brother was in danger!

Looking to the Black Fairy, who looked at the pool with a blank expression, he placed his hand into the water, soon thereafter the sounds of wolves could be heard howling, as she watched she saw her father running out of the forest when Allen drew a gun to fire. Instantly she covered her son’s eyes in knowing what would happen, but the shot didn’t even happen, the gun made a click and then blew up in the man’s hand.

The man screamed in pain as he went down on his knees to soon be dragged off as Daniel told the him that if he were to ever return to this place there would be a price to pay for in trying to kill a wolf and a former family member out of jealousy.

Samantha gave a sigh of relief as she leaned into the Black Fairy’s chest, while she still held her son. After a moment she sat up and watched the rest, the animals all watching in complete silence.

“Well that should teach him!” said Falcon.

“Never know, he might come back.” Deer added.

“Well here’s hoping he doesn’t!” Lynx growled. “I’ll use him as a scratching post if he does! My claws could use a good work out anyway.”

“I’ll join in.” Fox added with a swish of her tail.

“And I’ll just watch.” said Rabbit.

The animals continued their conversation moving away so it would just be Sam, her son and the Black Fairy.

“Congratulation’s Daniel…” she whispered as she looked into the pool with a soft smile as she held her son close while the Black Fairy kissed her cheek hand running through her hair. “I know that you will be great as the next Head of the Family… maybe one day…” she closed her eyes as snow began to fall over them. “We’ll meet again.”

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