“Do you want to go into the manor?” she asked softly when she saw the look of hurt in his blue eyes.

          He shook his head. “I think I’ll just stay out here for a minute; there are something’s I just want to think about.”

          Melody placed a hand on his cheek before she went over and joined the other woman to say her hellos.

          Daniel walked over to the garden, but coming to a short stop when he saw the bench, the same bench that Nichole’s body was on, they didn’t even bother to change it after the incidents. Grinding his teeth he turned his head away to look to the forest, there staring at him, was a timber wolf watching him with knowing eyes. He walked over to the edge the wolf not even moving away. Standing where he was Daniel gave a half smile. “Hey Patch…” he said softly. “How’s Sam? She doing okay?” he knew that he wouldn’t be able to respond, hell he didn’t even know why he hadn’t said those words until now.

          The wolf tilted his head from one side to another before he turned around and ran off into the forest.

          “I guess I should take that as a “she’s alright” from you then…” closing his eyes he tilted his head back and listened to the wind blowing, his ears twitched when he thought he heard his sister’s voice but then those sounds were overlapped by something else.

          “Hey Uncle Dan! Uncle Dan!” the twins ran over to him grabbing on to his arms and pulling him towards the front of the manor. “Mom and C.C said that they were going to go inside the manor and that they would want you to come with too since they don’t know the place!”

          “Yeah!” Janet added. “And it’s really big too! We could get lost or something!”

Daniel laughed a bit as he was being pulled by both arms towards the manor. “Alright, alright! I get it quit pulling so hard I’m coming!”

          But as they came closer to the entrance of the manor his smile fell, memories came back to him of when he and Nick opened the door to find Jacob’s dead body on the stairs. He tensed instantly as Jasper opened the door.

          “Uncle Dan…?” Jasper looked up at him with confusion. “What’s wrong? You look really pale…”

          He looked down at him with a wary smile. “I’m fine kid.” Swallowing he stepped through the doors and entered the manor. The first thing he noticed was that there was no blood, but then it was obvious that there wouldn’t be, six years was a long time from this, but it would always stay fresh in his mind.

          There was no blood, no bodies, when he was further into the manor he looked around on his own while the twins ran to their mother.

          It all looked the same, like none of the deaths had happened, but then the family would always make sure it was like none of it even began. The one thing though that they would never be able to change was his memory, they would always be locked inside his head. It’s why a survivor was needed, so someone would remember, so someone could tell their story of what happened.

          He stood over at the empty store room; a flash of memory came, seeing his sister laying on the table with a sheet covering her body, but then he saw her open her eyes and sit up holding the sheet to her body, eyes looking around till she spotted her dress, getting off the table with the sheet still around her body as Samantha went over to her dress, standing in front of it she let the sheet fall to the floor before putting it on and turned to look at him before vanishing. Even though that was not part of his memory it’s what he believed that she had or would have done after waking up again.

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