“I originally intended to look further in Mark’s croups but since that is merely the fact that I want to stab him in both of his eyes for what he did to Samantha I’d better help.”

“Geez…” Denis gave a low whistle. “And I thought Mark had a morbid mind, you are far much worse.”

Dmitri flashed a sweet smile. “Thank you, I take that as a compliment.”

“Well don’t it wasn’t meant as one.”

Daniel continued to hear them talk as he headed to the parlor, Mary got up in a fury, angry that everyone would just ignore her like that, since she had just said some unchoice words about the next Head of the family she really should have expected this type of reaction.

With a sigh he lay down on the couch and closed his eyes, maybe he’d wake up in another reality and all of this was just some messed up dream and that Sam and Mark were still alive.

In his dream he felt like he was falling, falling, falling.

Opening his eyes he realized to his horror that he was falling, and landing hard on his side into a pile of dried leaves before rolling down a hill hitting small tree’s and branches on his way down. When he finally stopped he was flat on his back looking up at the dark cloudy sky.

“Ow…” was all that he could muster to say as he groaned and began to sit up, looking around he realized that he was back in the forest again. Thick fog forming around his feet, as snowflakes began to fall from the sky, and if this really was a dream…

Daniel looked behind himself and yup, there was the white wolf with the key around its neck sitting on a rock waiting for him to move. Ignoring the pain and a wave of humiliation that just hit his ego, the wolf saw him fall and land in such an awkward position, he got up to his feet and dusted himself off. “You again huh? What do you have to show me this time?”

The white wolf turned his head, looking down another steep hill that was far more like a cliff than anything else. Down below was the Wolf’s Ward,  hiding behind a large log, only a few feet away was a White Tailed Deer, shifting it’s snout through the dirt and dried leaves looking for something to eat.

“Hey that’s…!” the white wolf growled at him, telling him to be quite, the deer lifted its head looking quickly around for an intruder nearby, the Wolf’s Ward ducked down low behind the log so not to be caught. She did a quick glare up at the cliff from the corner of her eye before going back to what she was doing.

Slowly, ever so slowly the Wolf’s Ward began to creep up on the creature, taking light steps so not to step on anything to be caught. However she stepped on a tree branch making it snap causing to get the deer’s attention.

The deer took off in swift movement, the Wolf’s Ward chasing after it in just as quick movements. Daniel couldn’t believe in what he was seeing, a woman in only but fur hunting a wild animal down for the kill.

She lunged at the deer, bone dagger drawn and coming down on to the creature’s throat, but the deer avoided it in the very last moment, taking a right turn, making her roll to the ground in a heap of black fur and leaves.

The deer continued to run; the Wolf’s Ward pounded the ground with the bone dagger and let out a scream of frustration when it was too fast to catch. Then sat cross legged and hands clawing the ground as she began to pout, rocking her upper body back and forth.

“I guess that was her dinner that I made her miss…” Daniel said to the white wolf as they remained where they were. “Makes me feel kind of sorry for her…” So this is what she was like, just trying to get through to the next day, but then how does the Wakefield family fit into all of this? Did they rescue her from this kind of lifestyle?

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