“You mean like the one you wear around your neck.” He stated, her hand instantly went to her chest where the key was resting against her breasts with slight narrowed eyes, even though she could trust her cousin, he may still have something planed like the others in the past.

“I’m not giving it to you.”

He held his hands up in surrender as he still smiled. “I have no intention in taking it from you Sam; you have my word on that.”

“I’m sorry.” She said finally after a long moment, turning her head back to the book and continued to flip through it. “I’ve become so guarded recently, you must think I’m crazy.”

Jacob shook his head and rested his elbows on his knees and watched his younger cousin look intently in the now no longer missing book. “You have your right to be, this family of ours, it’s gotten really crazy recently hasn’t it…?”

Sam nodded in agreement before turning the next page, her heart thundered in her chest as she felt all the color drain from her face.

“Hey what’s wrong?” Jacob frowned as he watch Samantha begin to shake. When she didn’t respond fast enough he got out of his chair to look over her shoulder to see what she was looking at that made her seem so scared.

In the book was a hand drawn sketch in ink for two pages, one was of the legendary Black Wolf, looking very large, fierce, and truthfully, rather scary, on the page next to it was almost nude woman with black fur covering parts of her body, face covered by the head of a wolf  holding a bone knife and completely barefoot in what looked to be like snow, wasn’t she cold?

“Hey… isn’t that… the witch…?”

Sam shook her head slowly, her eyes never leaving the page of the woman. She swallowed the lump in her throat three times before being able to respond. “No, she’s not a witch. It’s the Wolf’s Ward.”

Jacob frowned as he continued to look at the woman. “Wolf’s Ward? You mean all this time we’ve been calling her a witch when she wasn’t one?” when she nodded Jacob moved away and ran a hand through his hair. “So in other words… our family killed a woman… for no reason.”

As Sam continued to look at the woman she began to recall the dream she had, the part of when they had shot her, the bullet going through her calf to slow her down, but not to kill her. “What if they didn’t kill her…?”

Jacob looked back at her completely stunned. “What?”

“Don’t you remember what Dmitri said back when Mary made us do those introductions?”

“Honestly, has no one here ever suspected that maybe someone in the family lied about it all so they could just save themselves?”

“Yeah…” he whispered softly. “I do.”

“Maybe someone in our family really did lie about what happened…” she gritted her teeth, her grip on the now closed book tightened. “Why are there people like this…?”


“That’s all humans can do… save their own skins so they don’t have to deal with the consequence when it comes up if something bad happens to them… it will always happen. Then and now.” Her body began to shake with rising anger. “Hearing stuff like that makes me so sick of everything! Every little thing in this family!”

Jacob said nothing; the reason was because no matter what he thought of he knew Samantha was right. About how the family was doing, then and now.

As the wind blew Jacob glanced towards the forest, noticing something was watching them, looking further he saw it was a Timber Wolf, why the heck was it even this far to the forest edge, but what worried him more was the fact that the wolf was looking right at them. That didn’t seem good; he saw Sam look to where the animal was and rose from her seat eyes never leaving the wolf’s gaze as she headed over to the forest, her face blank of everything.

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