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we decided to order some Chinese food for lunch and I have to agree this Chinese food was some Chinese food it was better than back home for sure and I should probably ask him to ask jhon to take me home it's late

"thanx for the lunch, but I should get going I still haven't even unpacked my suitcase" he got up from his place

"could you like wait a few more mins cuz like my manager she is coming over and I told her you're here so she asked if she could meet you and I kinda....said....yes" does8 he not know how to ask me things about me

"kinda?" he needs to make up his mind

"I mean I said yes... I said yes" great

"how long specifically"

"how long what?" can he get dumber.......yes

"how long do I wait? couldn't you figure that out genius?" right after those words come out my mouth the doorbell rings

"no wait time at all," he says looking at his watch and then at me and then walks to the door to open it, the moment he opens the door a not too young woman comes in and gives Shawn a friendly hug 'at least that's what I think' anyway this woman was actually very pretty she amazing glowing skin her perfect silky hair fell perfectly from her shoulder her eyes were just like the ocean blue but were covered from her glasses, they started walking toward us when in the way her eyes and mine connect and she freezes but then resumes her walk toward me

"nice to finally meet you, Tessa, I'm sig" she brings up her hand so I could shake hers

"nice to meet you to sig" I have to say up close she has some features a lot similar to mine

"I'm glad we finally had the chance to meet ..... ohh and please you can bring whoever you want to come with you to the party" how did she find out so quick I had just asked him about it though

"how did you come to know so quickly?" my brain will explode

"ohh Shawn texted me asking me so ... yeah" yeah 'texting'

"umm sorry but I actually need to go home now I need to get a lot of things done"

"yeah, sure jhon will drop u off ok?" I nodd

"take a seat ill be back" he looks at sig and signals me to come with him we walk till the door

"I have to say you and sig have some pretty crazy similar features"

"that's what I said!"

"you never said that"

"I meant in my head"

"okay" I see jhon with the SUV and I walk straight into the car

"Bye!!" I hear Shawn scream from a distance

the ride back home was pretty quiet and the quietness led me to sleep but then I jerked up from my sleep and I see that we are stuck in some traffic of somewhere

"what time is it?" I ask jhon in my sleepy voice

"it's 11:45"

"whats happening out today?" there is a ton of paparazzi standing outside of a restaurant there was a supermarket a few shops away from the restaurant and that reminded me to buy something for the morning so I asked jhon if we could stop by at the supermarket and he said "why not" so we stop and he asked me for the things and I stopped him and told him that I will go in myself he told me not to but I went anyways

I am at the cash counter I pay for my things and on my way back to the car which was only about a few meters away but someone in the distance screamed something I couldn't tell what he said but after whatever he said all I then saw were flashes and people screaming at me asking me a dozen questions, but out of everything happening I heard a voice, a very deep husky voice

A/N: that will be the end of this and who do you think is there at the end of this Shawn? u never know 

-zee XOXO

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