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I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off I shut it with annoyance I usually am a morning person but I don't know whats up with me today I am just mentally dying, I technically roll out of bed and get to the shower, while I was showering I think I heard my phone ring so I grab a towel and head out of shower when I return it was the airport dude no no Shawn right? yeah, Shawn, it was but why did he call, it may be an important ill call back

"Hey, you called?"

"yeah, I am waiting for you down" wait for what? why is he waiting for me?

"why? exactly"

"well ur new here and I wanna show u around and I know a place you will love trust me"

"you didn't mention this yesterday or did you?" if he would have I would remember but he didn't

"yeah I didn't but u know I thought so u would like to see around and anyway the tours they give here are shit"

"well since u didn't u need to give me time to get ready cuz I woke up like 20 mins ago"

"take all the time u want ill be waiting ..... down"

I hang up and quickly open my suitcase I didn't have time to put my clothes in the closet so I grab some black leggings and a large sweater the perf combo I decided to not put too much makeup just some concealer and mascara and I grab my phone and some necessities and shove them in my purse and of course my headphones can live without those can I now

I head out locking the door behind me I head down to the lobby, the doors to the elevator doors open and I see Jhon standing right in front

"miss-- I mean Tessa"

"hi Jhon nice to see you again"

"you too" he then takes me to the SUV standing outside he opens the door and I see Shawn sitting on the other side of the car

"hey" his smile gives me butterflies like no other I can't help it

"Hey," I say while getting in the car we sit in silence I have to admit his jawline is very visible I have never in my life seen a creature so beautiful

"am I that attractive?" he finally breaks the silence in a sarcastic way I hope cuz like is it that obvious that I find him as a beautiful creature

"no i .. was ..just ... noticing your facial features that all" I lie

"Mhmm, I see that which ones huh?"

"well u have an amazing smile and umm .. you're doing this on purpose aren't you" I snap at it and he chuckles

"I am doing nothing" he puts his hands up in the air

"anyway where are u taking me huh? to a slaughterhouse?"

"no no no I would never"

"then the question is 'why' wouldn't you take me to the slaughterhouse?" this is gonna fun

" cuz I don't think they might have the tools to cut a diamond "

"clever Mendes but whatever but like really where are we going"I groan out the last bit of my sentence

"were going to the mall"

"the mall?" I was expecting something more I guess

"can u do me a little favor tho?"

"yeah sure"

"if people ask you anything and I mean anything just don't answer anything i don't want them to think some stuff you know" I nodd

us shortly soon after arriving at the mall, we head to Starbucks and get drinks he gets a frappuccino and I get a lemonade I had a granola bar on me so I ate that and we were just walking around the mall it was huge and we went through some shops that were like very high end I have to say he has good taste in fashion he did ask me if id like to buy something I just said no I didnt have much on me at the moment and I didnt want him to think low of me so yeah

we enter this shop of dresses I don't know why but every dress here looked soo attractive but there was one that caught my attention it was a teel purplish sequence dress mid-thigh length just perfect I turned to look at Shawn who was talking to someone so I took the opportunity and went to see the dress when I looked at the price tag it was 275 Canadian dollars which are a lot to me so I just decide to go back

(if u wanna see what the dress looks like just go to the top and ull find it)

"I am hungry can we leave ?"

"yeah sure and sorry I got a little distracted"

"you're forgiven as long I get food"

he says something to his guards ohh and the whole time we had here at the mall they were following us it wasn't so pleasant having someone following you 24/7, were heading out and out of nowhere I hear girls screaming and the flashes

"Shawn!" I scream his name

"calm down its okay just don't say anything and look down and get in the car as fast as you can and don't look back try your best to hide your face i will be in the car too ok?" I don't like all this

"ok" I say and look down as we are exiting I had my phone on hand but with all the people rushing it slipped from my hand

"Shawn my phone!" I say loud enough for only him to hear now that i think my people might have heard

"its okay well get a new one now get in the car!!" I rush to the car and sit there and wait for him while people even tho I was sitting in the car tried to get a picture of me, and then he finally enters the car and Jhon drives away 

 A/N: if you like this chapter vote and comment bye :)

-zee XOXX

Shawn Mendes //TOUCH//Where stories live. Discover now