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the night had gone pretty fast faster than I thought but what woke me up was the sound of my phone ringing, it was my mom

"hi mom," I say in my morning voice

"you young lady forgot to do something" she really had to call this early and blabber about not calling her after I landed

"I am really sorry mom its just the flight was delayed 20-25mins and so I got here later than told"I am trying to make sense out of what I said

"now that is no excuse do you know I was so worried about you and stayed up the whole night waiting for your call" she does sound very worried

"I am really sorry mom it's just I was really tired and i ... I am just really sorry i won't make that mistake again"

"u can get away this time but there's no escape next time u know how worried I get so, please " she needs her rest now

" Sorry once again but now I think u should get the rest needed and I promise to call you tonight because I still have a ton of work" I promise her

"I love you, baby, be careful" it almost sounds like she's gonna cry

"I love you too mom" I already miss her

"call me"

"Bye mom"

""Bye sweetie"

I hang up the phone and then get ready I decided to wear tights and an XL sweater and for some odd reason this combo of tights and large sweaters are everything to me but for now, black tights and a honey yellow sweater is what I decided to wear out of my other 50 sweaters.

I thought that I would get Starbucks for breakfast and the best thing was it was walking distance so I got my Adidas on and left my apartment as I make my way to Starbucks i had a sudden flashback about yesterday night the time I met this random famous dude now that I was inside Starbucks the line had like 4 people in front of me while waiting I decided to listen to some music so plugged my headphones and played my music now there were just 2 people in front now so I waited and now it was my turn

"hi what can I get you?" she says that and finally looks up at me and makes a suspicious face I have no idea why

"yeah hi umm can I get a frappuccino with extra cream thankyou," I say and after a little, while I hand her my credit card

"so you're the girl everyone's talking about," she says, wait people are talking about me already I've been here what 12-14 hours and this happens

"I am sorry but I think u have the wrong person I am new here," I tell her

"oh sorry its just u look a lot like that girl i don't know sorry here" she hands me the recite and I move on and while I am waiting I feel like I am being watched and when I turn around to see who it is it's just a bunch of young girls i don't feel comfortable so I grab the drink and quickly head out

now my next stop was the groceries and that was pretty normal and then I had to stop at the hardware shop and grab some fairy lights and some hooks and other stuff to decorate my room after that I head home it was around 3 pm since I woke up at like 9 am and got most of my things done fast and anyway I had some of my stuff from back home delivered her like my books and other stuff

A/N: I will be maybe doing a double update today cuz I am in the mood today and if u like this chap vote and comment 


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