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I kept a frown on my face I had just lost my phone and it had everyone's number on it and me being brainless, didn't remember one and not just the numbers, what if someone finds my phone and hacks it and dose something with my pictures or sends someone something wrong there are so many things that could go wrong just too many

"would you chill ill get you another phone no big deal, and anyways you needed to get off that old filthy thing" how much more dumb can he get

"ohh and don't worry we will get the same number you had before and about your contacts, we can get people to get the numbers back ..... I hope" well 'i hope' he does get my contacts back cuz I really need to talk to mom right now

"well the trip to the mall was fun" I tried to sound half sarcastic

"I know right" I really can't tell if he actually had fun or he is being sarcastic, I am so confused

"well it wasn't the best but we could hang out again which could be a better experience " wow he really doesn't see what the other person in front of him is feeling

"look I hate to really disappoint you but I have a life of my own like I haven't even found a job yet which I should have found yesterday and I am not just a toy you command to do things with and I just listen I really appreciate today but I have a lot more things I need to be doing than go shopping with a celebrity ... ohh and losing my phone" I see the disappointment on his face already

"look I am very sorry about the phone thing but i don't usually .............. can I just ask one last thing?" I hope i don't regret it

" what is it?"

"like I mentioned earlier I will be having a surprise party for my friend right" I nodd "id like it if you came and I am not forcing you to come to its just id like it if you came" 

"I don't know ill think about it cuz like I have a ton of uncompleted work that's needed to be complete, but thank for the invite though" he isn't happy at all

"yeah.....no problem" this makes me feel so bad like I just killed a puppy 'UGHHHH'

"fine ill come" i feel like I just planted a problem on my head right now

"is there like a dress code i should be aware of and how long will it be?" oh no I just realized Noah has to come with me and like I should ask Shawn if I can make him my plus one

"hey ..umm I have... like I said about my boyfriends surprise right? we had a little fight last night and the surprise got out and now I know he's coming here for a while to check on me" how do I ask him I am so bad at this

"getting to the point? you......" he asks me

" I wanted to know if I could bring him with me? only if you're okay with it" I hope he is cuz like I already told Noah that he will come and I confirmed it with him

"I don't think my manager will mind it " wait why does his manager get to decide to get things done here

"wait your manager has to decide?"

"yeah she decides most of my decisions"I feel pity for him, poor him

"ok" I don't get him 

"boss were here"I hear Jhon saying

"wanna stay till lunch? jhon will drop you after"I could use some real food like I didn't have proper breakfast

"I am only having lunch cuz I am hungry not because I want to stay here"

"ok mistress" he chuckles and gets out of the car

A/N: sorry for the very late update but I am very very busy like very busy so id be happy if u can co-op with me for the next two weeks thank you

-zee XOXO 

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