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it was definitely nice and warm in the house as I walk towards the kitchen is what I suppose it is but right then the doorbell rings and come running bumping into me but catches me by my waist as soon as possible he pulls me up and rushes to the door and I am just there left questioning myself 'what in the world was so important that he flew to the door'

he says thank you to some and comes back in with pizza one stacked on the other now I had just forgotten about the part he ran to the door not to mention bumped into me.

"hope ur hungry didn't know what to get so I got us pizza u cant go wrong with it unless ....... your vegan .. are u vegan?" he questions a little too much I feel but I am so boohoo

"yeah" I feel like I might not get the pizza

"well good thing one is cheese cuz u know vegan can eat cheese and all right?" god someone save me from him he will eat my mind alive

"can we eat already"I can't get anything through my head right now

"yeah sure" he makes a weird face

"look it wasn't my choice to come here and so if I wasn't here I would have eaten but now that I am in this house unknown to me I cant just go in the kitchen and put my hand on some food and just eat it,"I say in one breath

"its okay I wasn't gonna say something" yeah right his facial expressions were something

"yeah right," I say and then he opens the boxes of pizza and the other one was pepperoni which is known to be good at least that is what I've heard but that wasn't gonna change anything about the cheese pizza

"Hey," he says and I look at him "why you gotta be so rude" he sings it out, I have to say his voice is angelic, but what was that?

"so u ganna eat or nah," he says sliding the box of pizza in front of me, I nod and grab a piece from the box, this is some good tasting cheese pizza

"so I still don't get the point of me making Instagram" I do know but I want to hear what he has to say

"well u have already read what the fans have to say about it"I look at him with a confused face like 'what do u mean boy'

"the pictures of .. us " he gestures to us "the people .... they ...th--" i cut him off

"just say it! GOOD!" I had to he was too damn slow

"the people think that u and I are well ... seeing each other as in dateing"

"I know what u mean.. ok"

"of course u do" he smirks at me

"uhh are u smirking at me?" ohh he is that boy is so not getting away whit it

"I don't know," he says and looks down smiling

before i could say anything my phone rings and I see, it is my mom and I had completely forgotten to call her she is probably losing her shit right now and I am so dead. I take a deep breath and accept the phone call

"hey mom" I am mentally dying

"chill it is just me " who exactly


"really u forgot me soo soon" I can't believe its Noah!!!

"Ohh My Lord its soo good to hear from you god!! I miss so much" i practically scream my lungs outs it's him

"chill babe I miss you too"

"I am still not over the fact u didn't come to see me off at the airport" I am frowning even tho I know he can't see me

"Look, Tess, i don't have much time i didn't have your Canadian number so I called from your mama's phone and I have a surprise for you and for that surprise to come true I need your apartment detail and I need for you to stay home on February 1 just one day OK?"I am really happy he called

then we exchanged 'i love you's' and said goodbye

A/ N: sorry for the late update but the chapter is here so I hope u enjoyed and it I bet u weren't expecting the boy '(Lucas) to pop up were you?

-zee XOXO

Shawn Mendes //TOUCH//Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat