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songs for this chapter are :

1)Sasha Sloan - Runaway 

2)Emily Warren - hurt by you 


he was just standing there with an open door and me just standing there staring at his face like he's the most beautiful thing on the planet earth I quickly snapped out of my imagination when he said something

"u wanna come in? I promise I won't kill you" he giggles and the fact that he doesn't know that he is killing me with his looks, I didn't even know that was possible until now

"yea-yeah sure" I stutter a little and finally come inside the large beautiful house the first thing I noticed was this wall full of pictured frames it was him and some other people in each frame it was then I noticed adele I have heard few of her songs and love them her album 21, it was the first album I got in vinyl record version I used to listen to it every day and now I know every word to every song, I kept lookingg at the wall for if I knew any more people and I did know some other but not too well

"you know them?" he says noticing me staring at the pictures

"yeah I know only 2 or 3 "

"so you're telling me you don't know most of these people " he looks at me pointing at the wall

"Yeah, " I say and look down

"hey its okay I didn't know any until I met them, it could be the same for you, you know?"

"you have a beautiful house by the way" I am trying to change this topic

"thanx, my mom designed it mostly"

"your mom has a good taste of whatever u call a person good at designing"

"anyways I called you here for something more important" he looks serious 'is that even an actual look for him?'

"what is it?"

"after the airport scene, I need you too ........... make an Instagram account" are u serious he called me from 7 miles away to tell me that I have to make an Instagram account what is up with this dude I should have never talked to him in the first place all because of my stupid mistake 'ughhhhhh'

"your joking right" I cant take this straight

"I am definitely not drunk" he puts his hands behind his back and stands firmly

"I am not just gonna make an Instagram and ..... yeah "

"trust me you want to now" he takes out his phone

"what do you mean, cuz I think my life would be better without it, it has been till now" yeah much better

"look at this" he hands his phone and shows me pictures of him and me at the airport, I look not soo bad I mean it could be worst

"read what it says just below the pic" so I scroll down and click something and it opened something it was a pic of some random girl, he takes a look at what I was doing he shook his head like a no and comes close I set back

"i won't eat you" it doesn't seem like he wants to eat me but i don't know whats wrong with me he presses a thing at the top and it went back to the pictures and then clicked something and it opened up like a conversation between people

"read most of it and tell me how you feel" he is walking away and for a moment looks back at me and says

"Relax, take a seat it won't kill, " he says and leaves out of the room or I should say area it is one hella big living room, so I take a seat on one of the single seat sofa and sit there and start reading most of the conversations and most of them are like

'who is this girl'

'since when did Shawn start dating a random chick'

'does this girl even have an in acc cuz like I can't find shit'

most of them were just asking who I am and some asking others asking them if they know my Instagram acc and none know cuz I don't have one, so this is why Shawn wanted me to make an Instagram acc so these girls could see who I was, I was now tired of reading the same thing over and over again so I thought id look around since its a huge place 

A/ N: Hope you like this chapter and if you do vote and comment 

-zee XOXO

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