

"Are you there? Hello?"

"Mick. I'm coming over. Just... I'm coming. Give me about 5 minutes to bath and dress. Bye."

Noh flung his phone and headed into the shower at neck breaking speed. He made sure to get all the important bits and rushed over everything else. He dressed in the first cloths he saw and was pretty sure he was wearing Phun's jeans but he didn't care because they fit. He grabbed a jacket because the damn mountains were cold and his hair was still wet. Then he jumped in the car and sped off. Phun needed the sleep but he was ok. He had more than enough sleepless nights and he wasn't the sleepy head that Phun was.

It took him 10 minutes to get to the house mostly because he took two wrong turns in his haste. They were all outside waiting for him when he pulled up so he tooted before getting out of the car and hurried towards them.

Ohm was grinning a big, stupid grin and Ex was waving a sheet of paper. Noh started jogging, he was so excited. 

The events that occurred a few seconds later were, in all honesty, no one's fault.

Min went running on mornings but she had gotten a late start that day after binge watching one of her favorite BL dramas the night before. She jogged around from the opposite direction as Noh headed towards the others. He saw her from the corner of his eyes and turned. She caught sight of him around the same time and waved. Noh grinned and waved back. That's when he misstepped off the pathway and skidded on the loose stones. 

He did a spin and twisted so his hands hit the ground first instead of his head or face. At the same time Min gave a horrified squeak and Ohm shouted. Now they all raced to Noh who was a little stunned. He started to get up when his face crumbled and he howled in pain. 

"Oh shit! Is it broken? It's swelling already!"

"Get that shoe and sock off quick!"

Flex moved so swiftly that Noh didn't even register the movement until he felt a twinge of pain. He whimpered for him mom. 

Used to this kind of behaviour, the band and Mick didn't even blink but Min started to panic. She felt like she had literally thrown Noh down herself and all she could do was hover and sob. 

"Flex, you and I will carry him. Dye can you...?"

"I'm already on it." He raced inside to tell the parents, Pop and Pang. She whipped out her phone and started calling Phun. She kept calling until he answered the phone on the forth try.


"Noh fell and may have possibly broken an ankle."

"Shit. Fuck! Are you heading to the clinic? It's like half an hour away."

"We are so meet us there. Don't forget that Min is here. I think everyone is going."

The reminder dashed some cold water on Phun who had forgotten. Why did he have to care that she was there? Noh was hurt for fucks sake!

He took a deep breath and reigned it in. This was not important right now. He dashed into the shower and pretty much did what Noh had done earlier. He dressed, noting it was Noh's pants he had on then went out and realized there was no car. Fuck! He called Pang again who told him they were on the way in their parents car. Phun jumped in as soon as they stopped and was immediately embraced by his sister.

"He's ok Phun." Pang tried to reassure him.

"Did he cry for Eve?" Phun looked at his mom in the front seat.

Love Contract - A Love Sick fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now