And then I realized...

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I was sitting in my room, finally putting all of the photos from back home up on my wall like I had promised myself I'd get done, when I heard a loud knock on my door.  "Come in."  Louis and Zayn both barged in dramatically with two carrots in each hand.  "Um, hi..."

"You broke our hearts!"  Louis screamed.

I laughed and blew them both kisses.  "I'm sorry, babes." 

Zayn shook his head and pointed at me with a carrot.  "Now, you pay."  They both lifted up their hands and aimed at me.  I realized what they were about to do and ran into my bathroom and locked the door.

"COME OUT HERE OR SUPER LOUIS WILL HAVE TO BREAK DOWN THIS DOOR!"  I could tell Louis's mouth was pressed against my door and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm afraid she's not coming out, Lou... you know what that means." 

I stepped away from the door and pressed my back against the wall, knowing that at any moment, the door would be flying off. 

"On the count of three Zayn.  One, two, THREE!"  The door was swung open, the nails that connected it to the wall. Loose. 

I quickly grabbed the showerhead and pointed it at both of them.  "I'm not afraid to use this."  The boys stepped back. "You know what that means, right Zayn?  Your precious hair will be all ruined!" 

Zayn grabbed onto his hair and made a girlish scream.  "No, not the hair!" 

Louis smacked Zayn in the back of the head and growled.  "You listen up!  Your heart is much more important than your hair, she broke our hearts to pieces and now we must fight!" 

I laughed and rolled my eyes.  "I did not break your hearts!" 

They ran towards me and I quickly turned on the water, spraying it all over them.  Their hands were flying, trying to block the great amount of water from hitting them, but they were failing miserably. 

"MY HAIR!"  Zayn yelled and Louis squealed. 

Liam came running in and saw what was happening.  He ran towards me and grabbed the showerhead, giving Zayn and Louis the chance to attack me from the side.  "NO LIAM!  THEY'RE GOING TO GET ME!"  I gained the strength to turn the showerhead towards Liam, squirting him right in the face.  His hands released their grip from it and he backed up to where the two other victims were.  "STAY BACK OR THIS BABY IS GOING ON SUPER HOT!" 

"NIALLER!  HELP US!"  Louis screamed from my room and moments later, Niall was next to Liam. 

"Don't move Niall, or I'll spray you too."  I aimed the head at all four of them, my eyes flickering from one to the other.  Niall laughed and raised his hands in defeat. 

Zayn smacked Niall in the arm and sighed.  "Just because you guys got together, you're going team up with her!?" 

The Rule (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang