Sign For Me (Joe Oneshot #1) Part 2

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I haven't updated in a while since I've had assessments, I went to belgium for a day and haven't slept since (great) and I've been putting more effort into my other books.

Also, I did state when I started this that I will only update occasionally, I kinda got carried away 😂

Thank you so much for the continuous support on this book!

This is a continuation of the other Joe Oneshot I made where you work for Pete and are mute (If you don't remember, go back and read it)

Since tonight is the night that you will go on your first date with Joe, Pete has come round to your house to assist you in getting ready. You doubted Pete's fashion knowledge considering his past in fashion but haven't we all had bad fashion experiences?

"Time to make you beautiful... this might take a while." Pete jokes.

You sign a very common pattern of yours to Pete: Fuck you.

"That's what Joe will do to you later." He grins.

You slap his arm (despite him being your boss) and point to the cupboard to get him back on track.

He looks through your closet and groans, "You're worse than me for band tees and black clothing."

You shrug and help him to find something that doesn't look like it belongs at a funeral.

Unfortunately everything is black but Pete manages to, somehow, dress up some black jeans and the least casual shirt you own.

"If we get some jewellery and makeup on, we'll nail this." Pete explains.

I don't have much jewellery either

"Do you own anything?" Pete asks, exasperated.

You nod and smile as Pete finds something to go with the outfit.

Eventually, he is playing with your makeup and asks if he can do it for you.


"Please! You know I can do it! I used to wear this everyday." He begs.

Yeah and looked ridiculous.

"I'm offended," He fakes hurt, "So now I'm doing it."

You roll your eyes but allow Pete to do it.

Truthfully, he does a great job and you can't help but laugh when he gets excited over eyeliner.

"Hello darkness my old friend." He sings to it.

Once your makeup and hair is done, Pete allows you to change and put on the small amount of jewellery you own.

He re-enters and nods with an impressed look across his face.

"We did good!" He says.

What time is it?

"Uh, half five. I'll make myself sparse, Joe will be here any minute now." Pete says and you smile.

Before you let him go, you give him a gentle thankyou hug before grabbing all the things you'll need for your night out.

You and Joe are going to watch Infinity War and you have to admit, you're very excited.

Pete told you that Joe has been learning more sign language in his spare time and you find it sweet that he shows so much dedication towards you.

Soon, a knock at your door alerts you and you rush to answer it. Joe stands on the other side, some casual black jeans and a button up shirt sit on his body, his hair in its usual crazy style.

You wave to him and he smiles widely, "You look great!"

Thankyou, you too

You keep your signs simple for him since you don't know how much of the language he knows but he does smile and offers you his arms graciously.

The car ride to the cinema is full of Joe telling humorous stories about his childhood and the misfortune that frequently overcomes the guys on tour.

It's sad not being able to respond with words but Joe knows that you're listening.

Once you're in the cinema, you ask Joe if he can get your ticket and popcorn considering the cashier will most likely not know sign language and Joe smiles.

"Of course."

However, Joe plays it sly and puts your order atop of his so he ends up paying for you. You roll your eyes and shove him lightly but he grins.

Inside the screening room, you find it almost empty with just a few people dotted around the cinema and so Joe finds it funny to throw popcorn at those people.

Since its dark, you know Joe won't see your hand movements so you type jerk into your phone and show him.

He grins in the dark before throwing his final piece of popcorn at you.

By the end of the film (and after the special marvel after scene) you have tears in your eyes at the outcome of the movie and you can think of all sorts of expletives you want to shout to Marvel.

Joe does that for you though...

"Fuck you Marvel! I'll sue you for this bullshit."


"Did you like it?" He asks as the lights slowly return.

It was great. It made me angry but its good.

"Classic Marvel." Joe rolls his eyes as you smile.

Pete was wrong about you

"What did he say about me?" He asks.

He said you could be a bit douchey.

"I mean, I can be a bit of a pratt at times but I really care about you."

You're so sweet!

Joe grins and takes your hand as the two of you walk back to his car.

"So you genuinely have had a good night?" He asks, nervously.

You nod and plaster a big grin on your face in reassurance.

"That's good, I thought you'd get sick of my constant talking." He jokes.

Well one of us has to talk and it's sure as hell can't be me

He laughs slightly before opening your door for you.

Whilst he drives you home, he gets a call off Pete who demands to know if Joe treated you well.

"You act like her brother dude." Joe laughs.

"Well, she's like my sister so treat her badly and I'll strangle you with a guitar string." Pete threatens.

You raise an eyebrow but Joe just laughs.

"Yeah alright man, catch you later." He says before hanging up.

"Protective much." He continues.

Once you reach your house, Joe insists on walking you to the door. As you get your keys out to unlock the door, Joe thanks you for a good night.

Don't stress it, it's been nice having someone to talk to... sorta. Thanks for even taking me out.

"No problem." He smiles.

He looks slightly nervous so you stand on your tiptoe and kiss his cheek for him.

He smiles widely as you wave to him. After you close your door, you find yourself close to having a heart attack as someone shouts.

"Tell me all about it!"

Jesus fucking Christ Peter!

Wow I finally updated for you guys... be proud...

I learnt northern downpour on the piano just now cool


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