Uma Thurman (Pete Oneshot #2)

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In this oneshot, you're Petes girlfriend and are playing an extra in the paintballing scene of uma thurman.

"Ok so we're going to zoom in on Brendon's face before we start the game. Your on my team." Pete says.

"What if I don't want to be in your team?" You ask.

You and Pete go paintballing a lot and you always end up losing when you are on the same team.

"We won't lose. Besides, this is just for a video." He says with a smile.

As you all get in your gear and head to the right location, you meet up with your long term friend, Brendon.

"Y/N, hey! Pete never said you were coming." He says, hugging you.

"He didn't tell me up until this morning." You shrug.

"I know this is for a video but I'm going to kick your ass at this." He says, smugly.

"Go for it." You say before joining Pete, ready to shoot.

"Action." The video director calls.

You and Pete instantly go for Brendon who is doing his best to hide.

Despite the battle only taking two shots (two since Pete fell), you, Pete and Brendon continue to play whilst the crew finish up.

Andy decides to play, joining Brendon's team and evening the groups out.

"First to lose their entire team loses." Pete calls.

"Your on." Andy retaliates.

You all head to your sides to discuss battle plans.

"Ok, I'll go for Andy, you go for B." Pete says.

You glance over to Brendon and Andy and see Andy pointing directions out to Brendon who nods.

"Got it. Go left, Brendon's telling Andy to go that way." You say.

"Will do. We're gonna win this time, I promise." He says with a smile.

"I'm not o-fucking-Kay." You reply as Pete audibly gasps.

"Uncalled for y/n." He says.

"You started it!" You respond.

"Are you two ready over there?" Andy calls.

"They're probably fucking." Brendon shouts.

"Nah we're good." You shout.

"On three," Pete says, "One, two, three!"

Pete immediately opens fire and aims at Andy. You start to run towards Brendon who's hiding from you.

"Shit." You hear him mutter.

You open fire and cover Brendon in green paint.

"Screw you y/n." He frowns.

"Y/N help!" Pete yells as he flies down the course, dodging Andy's paint.

"Sorry Brendon." You laugh before aiming at Andy.

He sees you and start running too so you run after him, trying to get him. Pete, ever the klutz, manages to run straight into you and knock you down to the ground, him falling on top of you.

You both burst into laughter until Andy shoots you both with paint.

"Brendon we won!" He calls to Brendon who's back flipping in celebration.

"I thought you said we weren't going to lose." You say to Pete who is now lay on the ground beside you.

"Sometimes I tell lies." He says, still laughing.

Brendon and Andy are wrestling with each other until Andy slams Brendon onto the ground next to Pete and I. Brendon manages to pull Andy down with him and we are all reduced to laughter on the sandy ground.

Joe and Patrick come over and stand, staring at the pile of their friends on the ground.

"What're you all doing?" Joe asks.

"Paintballing." Pete replies.

"You sure?" Patrick asks.

"Well, we were. We kinda collapsed." You add.

"No shit." Joe laughs.

"Did you actually get the shot?" Patrick asks.

"Yes. We finished filming but carried on playing." Brendon says.

"Good. We're going getting pizza, who's coming?" Joe asks.

"Me!" Pete yells, trying to wiggle from under Andy.

He eventually breaks free and collapses and Joe's feet.

"Hello." He says with a laugh.

Joe shakes his head and lightly kicks his friend, telling him to get up.

"Come on y/n!" Pete insists, grabbing your arms and pulling you from underneath Brendon who is throwing sand at Andy.

Sometimes you question how you got where you were, your crazy friends and hyperactive boyfriend, but then you realise it's because that's just who you are and these people are perfect for you.

So this chapter was written by me and a friend! She wanted to write but doesn't have Wattpad so I allowed her to write this chapter with me!


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