Concert (Andy Oneshot #2)

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Whelp, I know what 319 is :) why can't I live in Cleveland?

Y/B/N - your band name

"Pete I'm not in the mood." Andy sighs as Pete drags him out to a concert for a new band who Andy has heard nothing about.

"Come on, they're so good! They're all female bar the guitarist and I have a thing for the singer. I don't care, you're coming with me." Pete says stubbornly.

"Why couldn't you take Joe or Patrick?" Andy asks.

"They're both married with kids, they're not gonna meet somebody new here, you can!" Pete smiles.

"Oh so this is a set up? So I can get a girlfriend or something?" Andy sneers with crossed arms.

"Sort of. They're a good band though." Pete grins as they drive to the venue.

Pete plays music from y/b/n on the drive to the concert and Andy has to admit it, they're good.

Andy has always had a special connection to music. Rather than just listening to the lyrics and relating, he listens to every instrument and decides whether he likes them or not. In many songs, he listens for the bass, trying to decipher whether its heavy or light, high or low, and he finds joy in listening for instruments he doesn't play.

However, y/b/n has a very empowering drum beat, much to Andy's appreciation, and he, although he doesn't know the band, instantly thinks the drummer is extremely talented.

"Andy, dude, wake up! We're here," Pete says, snapping his fingers to bring Andy from his daze, "Since I'm such a good friend and we're known from Fall Out Boy, I have gotten us right at the front of the standing pit."

"Cool." Andy shrugs.

"Lighten up man." Pete sighs, pushing into the venue.

Andy follows closely behind, shades on his eyes and sleeves rolled up, revealing his many tattoos.

It doesn't take long for the small venue to fill with around 250 people and even less time for the band of four to take it to the stage.

Andy notices the tall, male guitarist, the slightly plump bassist, the pretty, slim singer and, right at the back, a hoodie wearing drummer.

Throughout the show (which is fantastic) Andy finds his eyes often on the hidden drummer at the back. Whether he relates to her or whether its the way she plays. So effortlessly yet with so much passion.

He knows how underrated drummers can be (being one himself) which just makes him gravitate more to the talented being.

After a good hour, they finish up their set and Andy notices that the first to go is the drummer, her hands in her hoodie pockets and the hood over her h/c hair.

As they exit the venue, Pete on a complete concert rush, the short man yells, "Dude, with my amazing power of being the bassist in Fall Out Boy, I've got us backstage!"

To Pete's surprise, Andy smiles and seems excited. Pete was ready to put up a fight against his tattooed friend since he was so desperate to see y/b/n.

As they get to the door backstage, the bodyguards instantly recognise Andy and Pete and let them in to greet the band.

As you sat backstage with your band mates, you sigh as they converse without you.

None of them have ever liked you and you're only there because they needed a drummer and you filled the quota.

"Have you seen this? There's this amazing drummer and they would work great with us!" The lead singer, Iona, whispers.

"What about y/n?" Ashton, the guitarist, asks.

"She's easily replaceable." Marnia, the bassist retorts.

"That's it, talk like I'm not here, as per usual." You snap.

"Excuse you! We're having a band meeting here." Iona replies.

"I'm sorry do I not do enough for the band? I write your lyrics, I figure out melodies, I play the drums, is that not enough?" You ask.

"Hey, calm down alright?" Ashton, the optimist amongst us says.

"No! Your all frauds. I quit." You state.

"But who'll write the sings then?" Marnia asks.

"You all think you're so smart. You do it." You say before grabbing the rucksack you brought and flee the room.

On the way out, you make it about 20 yards before tripping and falling into a pair of strong, heavily tattooed arms.

"Hey, are you alright?" A high pitched voice asks.

"Yeah, thanks." You say, standing upright once more.

"Hey, you're the drummer right?" A shorter, more tanned man says.

"Was. My names y/n." You say.

"Was?" The taller one asks.

"I just left. My bands a fraud and they were literally using me. I'm the songwriter, drummer, rhythm constructor and all that but I'm never credited or even recognised and I'm sick of feeling useless." You ramble.

As you look at the two men properly, you realise that you know them.

"Oh shit, you're Pete and Andy from Fall Out Boy!" You gasp.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." Pete says.

"You too. If you want to meet the others, they're down the hall but they're all asses." You shrug.

"I mean, I'd go pay my respects since the songs are good. Since I know your writing them however, I believe its you I'm looking for." Andy says with a perfect smile on his face.

Pete nudges his shoulder before saying, "I'm-uh- gonna go wait out back. See ya."

Andy glares at him as he leaves but you smile at the ginger man.

"You played brilliantly tonight by the way and I think it was a good decision for you to leave the band since they were using you." He says, his face returning to a smile.

"Thank you so much and I'm glad someone agrees. You know, they were already replacing me whilst I was still there." You sigh.

"Sound like jackasses to me." He grins.

"They are. I dunno what I'm gonna do now though." You say, suddenly realising that you're now unemployed.

The second you say that, a crazily brilliant idea forms in Andy's head and his eyes widen and a smile forms on his face.

"I might be able to help." He says excitedly.

6 months later

Andy was right. He could help!

He managed to hook you up with Fall Out Boy, helping Pete with songwriting. You became a hidden member, used for writing and melodies, all the things you loved!

Now, with MANIA recently released, your now boyfriend Andy has decided that he wants you on tour with him to play drums along side him. He knows how much you miss it and certain songs he believes you play even better than him!

The guys are completely chill with it (they're pretty chill guys) and you can't help but feel a thrill of excitement. Once more you will feel the adrenaline running through your veins, you will hear the deafening roar of the drums and, most importantly, you'll be with Andy.

"I can't wait Andy," you say, allowing him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I can't believe I get to play with you! I'm so hyped." Andy replies like a little teenage girl.

"You're such a softie." You tease as he pokes his tongue out at you.

Look at that shitty ending wow much impress :)

I have my jujitsu grading tmr kill me!

Andy Hurley is a beautiful man and anyone who says otherwise can fight me :)


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