Happy (Patrick Oneshot #3)

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I just burst into tears because I've been learning Immortals by FOB on piano all day and I can't goddamn do it!

"You owe me big time." You tell your friend.

"Why? We're having fun!" They dance with a red cup in their hand.

"I hate social events." You mutter before ditching your friend in search of a quiet place.

You aren't really sure who is actually hosting the party and you haven't got a clue whose house you're at, you just know that you really should be studying for you exams in college.

Hurriedly, you pass the guys hitting on random girls and skip past the people chugging beers faster than you can blink and head out into the backyard.

No one is stood out here so you take a deep breath and relax.

"Parties aren't your thing either?" You hear a sweet sounding voice ask.

Your heart jumps inside your chest from shock as you turn to see a short stranger wearing thick framed black glasses and a black fedora to match. He wears at least three layers of clothes (them being a beige button up, a red cardigan and black leather jacket) and his hands and stuffed into his black trouser pants, his thumbs resting awkwardly in the belt loops.

"No, my friend brought me here. She's trying to get with someone I guess." You shrug, studying the man.

"Same here. I don't do social events." He sighs, taking a seat on the grassy ground, you following his lead.

You raise your eyebrows in astonishment. It's rare for you to find someone else who dislikes partying. Especially at college.

"I'm Patrick by the way. Patrick Stump." He introduces himself politely.

"Y/N L/N." You reply.

"Nice to finally be able to talk to someone sober here." He smiles.

"I couldn't agree more." You say.

"What're you studying?" He asks.

"{whatever you want to study}" You tell him.

"Oh, I'm studying music." He says.

"Tell me about it then." You enquire.

You hear loud shouting from inside the house but you ignore it as Patrick tells you about how he plays guitar and sings mainly. He also tells you the long list of other instruments he can play and you find yourself impressed at the man. For such a sweet, tiny man he sure is talented.

"Me and my friends want to start a band someday." He says.

"I think you should go for it." You encourage.

"You don't know how we sound, we could be awful for all you know." He says as you laugh.

"I have faith in you." You smile.

"Hey do you wanna maybe go somewhere? It isn't too late yet and the never ending noise coming from the party is getting quite annoying." Patrick suggests.

You feel your eyes light up and you sigh in relief. You've wanted to leave for so long but felt it would be rude to leave Patrick alone.

"Yes please. Where should we go?" You ask.

Patrick checks the time on his phone and, noticing it is only half past eight, he grabs your hand and pulls you to your feet.

"We could go to this restaurant. My mum works there so I can get everything for free." He smiles brightly.

"Sounds like a plan." You grin back.

The restaurant is only a ten minute walk and in that time you learn that Patrick also likes to learn random languages in his spare time and he thinks pop music is overrated. Then, once you learn his taste in music, you nonstop talk about awesome bands and artists like Led Zepplin, Guns 'n' Roses and Metallica.

"It was my two friends Pete and Joe who got me into Metallica really. I'd listened to them here and there but never really got them. I quite like them now though." He says.

"How about blink-182?" You ask.

"Quality music! Oh wow I have never found someone as similar to me ever!" Patrick exclaims, making you blush.

By the time you reach the restaurant, Patrick has informed you about his vinyl collecting addiction and you find him so adorable. His face fills with passion as he talks about music, his favourite artists and what inspires him.

"Hey Pat!" A woman calls.

"Hey mum!" He says back, waving to her.

She comes over to us, smiling brightly as she does so and waves to me.

"Who's this?" She asks.

"This is y/n, she was at that party I really didn't want to go to." Patrick explains.

"Nice to meet you. Do you guys want something to eat?" She offers.

"Sure." You say and Patrick nods.

Patrick's mum whispers something to Patrick which makes him blush and say, "Mum!"

"What? I'm just saying she's cute!" She says loudly.

This causes you to blush and giggle as Patrick bangs his head onto the table his mum sat us at.

As she walks away to get us some menus, you look at Patrick with a smile as he frowns in his mother's general direction.

"I'm sorry, she's just excited because I never talk to girls. She thought I was gay up until now." He frowns.

This causes you to laugh loudly and Patrick smiles at you.

"Glad you find it funny." He sighs.

"I'm sorry, it's just your mum! She's awesome." You laugh.

"Yeah, trying living with her." Patrick rolls his eyes.

His mother quickly returns with menus and you both quickly decide on your meals.

"I won't be long with them." Patrick's mum smiles before leaving you two alone.

"I wish my mum was this energetic!" You say.

"You can have her!" Patrick says quickly.

"Hey I heard that!" His mum says as she brings our drinks.

"Well, stop being embarrassing and I'll stop selling you to my friends." He retorts which results in his mum taking his fedora.

H pouts at her and swipes for it but she walks away with it after leaving our drinks.

"Yeah she's fun." You laugh as Patrick runs his hand through his hair.

"She's literally flirting for me at this point!" He sighs.

"Eh, gotta say, you're doing a better job." You tease which makes Patrick blush once more.

He covers his cheeks with the sleeves of his jacket and grins, then adjusting his glasses slightly. You study his face, analyse each adorable move he makes and smile. You have smiled more in this past hour than you think you have in your entire life. Patrick is one of those guys who you can't not smile around.

"I'm sorry if I'm really awkward," Patrick sighs, "I'm not good on dates."

"So this is a date now?" You ask.

"If you want it to be." He says, looking at the table.

"Patrick," his eyes look up, "I would love for this to be a date."

He suddenly relaxes and becomes more comfortable, "I was worried I made it awkward."

"You worry too much. Don't." You tell him.

"I know I do I just like making people happy but I usually make people uncomfortable." He shrugs.

"Well you've made me pretty happy tonight." You say, resting your hand on his in a friendly move.

"Really?" He asks in genuine shock.

"Of course, you're a very cute, interesting guy!" You say.

And then, he smiles. Big. (Media)


Fall Out Boy Preferences and ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ