College Man (Patrick Oneshot #1)

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You walk around the school, earphones in, hands in your jacket pockets and sigh.

You are in your final year and can't wait to leave. You're ready to escape the constant teasing from others that found out who your boyfriend is.

You get called a slag and a slut for dating a man in his second year of college.

Patrick always tells you that age is just a number and that it doesn't matter but you're sick and tired of the never ending teasing.

Even your friends began teasing you. Your best friends were all in college or already finished with it which made the bullying worse.

Patrick- I'm swinging by now, want me to pick you up from school? Xx

Y/N- yes please... I can't wait to get out of this place xx

Patrick- ignore everyone baby x

Y/N- its impossible Pat xx

Patrick- try for me x

You put your phone away and allow the familiar beats of My Chemical Romance carry you away.

You walk out the front entrance and see one of your ex friends and a guy you've never met standing in your way.

"Hey y/n." Your ex friend says before walking away.

"Hiya, I'm (Random dudes name)."

"Y/n. Excuse me please." You say politely.

"Your very pretty you know." He says.

"Thanks, I've got to go to my boyfriend. Sorry." You say.

"Aah, your taken." He says sadly.

"Sorry yeah, please let me past." You beg.

"Hey, I'm being paid to do this, just so you know." (Random dudes name) says.

"What? By who?" You ask.

You feel his hand on your leg and instantly feel uncomfortable.

"Let me go now." You shout loudly, hoping someone from the school comes outside and sees you.

"Shh." He says before smashing his lips on yours.

You push him away quickly and slap his cheek firmly.

"What the fuck do you not understand about I have a boyfriend?" You shout.

"You slut." He replies, turning around.

Suddenly, he goes flying to the floor and you see Pete beating the shit out of him.

Patrick comes up behind you and asks if you're OK.

"I'm not coming back Patrick. I'm leaving this shithole for good." You say, holding his shirt tightly.

"I'm not gonna make you go baby but your parents-"

"No. I can't go back. I'm dropping out." You repeat.

"OK." Patrick says, holding you closely.

"Patrick, you said you wanted to talk to him." Pete says, holding the squirming creep down.

"You motherfucker." Patrick spits before giving the guy a good kick himself.

"Come on, we gotta split." Pete says.

"Let's go." Patrick says, grabbing your hand and running.

Pete quickly catches up and jumps into his car, ready for us to go.

Once Patrick and I jump in, he speeds away from the school whilst we all catch our breath.

"Y/N's dropping out." Patrick says.

"Good." Pete replies.

"There's only a week left, I've graduated and have all my grades, there's no point me going anymore." I say.

"Are you OK?" Patrick asks again.

"Yes, thank you so much." You say.

"Thankyou? If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have all this trouble." Patrick says.

"Hey, don't blame yourself for me loving you." You say.

"I love you too." Patrick says, kissing you.

"Thank you as well Pete, you did so much." You thank.

"No problem, he was a douchebag." Pete adds.

"Yeah, he was." You say, leaning on Patrick's shoulder.


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