Mr Kingston's Roommate|04

Start from the beginning


That's what I'm feeling now.

The single click of the door knob sent my face further into the pillow, hoping that I could hide away from Professor Kingston. However, my curiosity got the better of me at the sound of him shuffling around the room so I slowly raised my head upward until my eyes aligned with his figure.

He kicked off his shoes and placed them neatly on his rack. His suitcase rested against the table and he loosened his tie, a look of relief washing over his face as he did so.

Feeling as if I were intruding, I lowered my gaze back to its rightful spot and closed my eyes, hoping that sleep would wrap me in its warm embrace.

However, after what felt like an eternity — after Professor Kingston had retreated to the bathroom to shower off a day of hard work — I was still unable to succumb to slumber. Frustratingly, I sat upright and retrieved my phone from my nightstand with one hand whilst the other ran across the dried tears on my cheeks.

I received a message from Sam not too long ago. Though I was reluctant to reply, I figured that since I willingly hurled myself into the lion's den, I might as well embrace what could be my impending doom.

I don't want to get betrayed again.

Sam: Hey Midge and the guys and also me (obvi) were going to the beach apparently there's this bonfire thing going down there and Peter wont stop begging me to ask you to come

Me: I'll come. Not because of Peter.

Sam: YAYY ily so much! Meet me downstairs in the students lounge in five

There's no sound emitting from the walls of the bathroom which means that Professor Kingston has most likely finished showering. That means the chances of him walking out at any time are high. 

With a race against time, I hurriedly slipped off my sweatpants and climbed into a pair of jeans. Once I was done, I retrieved a sweatshirt from my unpacked suitcase and tugged it over my head as my unsettled heart drummed against my chest.

And much to my dismay, time seemed to have once again bested me. Because the soft click of the bathroom door and the heavy footsteps against the floorboard travelled across the room at what seemed to be the speed of light. And not long after, my professor was standing right across me, his horrified gaze settling on my frozen figure.


I squealed at the sound of my name booming from his lips and snapped out of my trance. He sure as hell saw my bra. "What in the–you have a Chinese curtain for a reason! There's a bloody washroom for a reason too. If you needed to use it you could have KNOCKED!"

When I pulled the sweater down and away from my eyes, I found him with his back turned toward me and his hand draped over his eyes.

My professor just saw my boobs in a bra.


"Oh my god. . ." I cried in embarrassment. I knew I should have just waited till he came out. "Are you–are you covered up?" He cleared his throat, clearly flustered by the sight of me almost naked. "Uh, y-yes." At my confirmation, he retracted his hand from his face and turned toward me.

His lips fell into a thin line and although I could feel the animosity emitting from his body — I could also tell that he was equally as embarrassed as I was.

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