Chapter 13

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 Louis' POV

'I'm bored.' Harry announced, disturbing my focus on the Nintendo DS game Niall and I were playing. As a result Niall shot past me and finished in first place. I let out a piercing scream and ran around the room with my hands up in the air. Harry stretched out his legs and I, clumsy as I am, stumbled and fell onto his lap. Harry made a sound like a dying goldfish as I knocked the air out of him. 'Still bored Hazza?' I grinned, only to receive a slap on my shoulder. It didn't hurt though, Harry hits like a girl. 'Get offa me, Louis you fat idiot.' He muttered.
I jumped up and let out a loud fake sob. 'You think I am fat?' I uttered in a high pinched voice as I turned around to look at myself in the reflection of Harry's large television. 'It's the pants isn't it? They make my bum look huge.'
Niall started laughing and soon enough the rest of us joined in.
'But I'm still bored.' Harry complained.
I giggled, 'do you want me to sit on you again?' Harry shook his head. I was about to say something offensive when Zayn came in. He was wearing a pair of jeans, a white shirt and a varsity jacket. 'Vas happnin'...' He said, wiggling his eyebrows.
Liam, who had done nothing but staring at his stupid computer screen for the past two hours, finally looked up. 'Not much.' He told Zayn, before turning back to it. He could be so boring sometimes. I rolled my eyes at him and run over to Zayn, engulfing him into a big hug. 'ZAYN! We missed you!' I yelled. Zayn snorted in response. 'Doubt it.'
He walked into the living room where the other guys were and frowned. I could understand why. Niall was sitting on the couch next to Harry, propping his face with the pizza leftovers. Liam was all nerdy with his computer. Harry was upside-down, his face on the floor and his feet on the couch, looking really bored. The TV was on, there was a movie playing, but no one was watching and the floor was decorated with tons of pizza boxes, candy wrappers and soda cans.
'Sammy asked if you guys wanted to come to the club. Seeing how you have got nothing better to do, I'd suggest you come.'

Zayn was right, we didn't have anything better to do. So a few minutes later we were in Harry's car. Liam was a tad grumpy. He had wanted to stay at home and do something really boring on his computer. But we had forced him to come with us and have some fun. Poor lad. Liam never drunk as much as we did, he couldn't due to the fact that he only had one kidney, so we brought him along so he could help us get home when we got too drunk. Plus, he was good company.
The drive to the club should have taken about ten minutes but we arrived there in five thanks to Harry's crazy driving. How he had gotten a drivers license was a mystery to me. The guy was an absolute maniac. But we didn't crash or kill someone, so I shouldn't be complaining.
When we walked into the club we were all a bit shaky. The music was loud and we could feel the floor shaking. People were dancing on the dancefloor and quite a few were totally knocked out, sleeping on the floor in the corners.
I shook my head, romantic date. Poor Sam, she didn't even like clubbing. Speaking of Samantha, where was she?
'Zayn?' I had to scream, the music made talking practically impossible. 'where were you going to meet Sam?' Zayn pointed to the tables on the other side of the room, poking a girl in the face while doing so. He tried to yell a sorry, but she didn't seem to hear him. So he shrugged and started making his way to the other side. I turned around to tell the boys where we were going, but Harry and Niall had already left. The only person standing behind me was a very grumpy looking Liam. Remember what I said about him being good company? Scratch that.

I made my way over to the other side of the room, I wanted to get to Sam and apologise for what had happened earlier.
The people in the club were going ballistic, grinding, dancing, drinking and probably doing a lot of other stupid things they were going to regret in the morning.
A young girl, probably around seventeen, clung on to her boyfriend for dear life. Obviously she was drunk, her hair was a mess and she had some issues with walking more than two steps without stumbling over her own feet. The poor girl was sickly thin and had dark bags underneath her eyes. The guy I assumed was her boyfriend didn't seem to care. He was chatting and laughing, oblivious to the bad state his date was in. I felt bad for her, she was going to have a tough day tomorrow. Heartbreak in the making.
I shook my head and continued walking, trying to avoid the dancing couples that bumped into me every few seconds. I literally pushed some of them out of my way. I felt rude, but these people were probably too drunk to even notice, not to mention remember.
After manoeuvring my way to the other side I finally spotted Zayn and Samantha. They were sitting next to each other in a small boot, the table was barely visible underneath all the empty bottles and glasses. Brian had been there.
'Sam?' I asked when I had gotten closer to them, 'Can we talk?'
Samantha looked up at me, my heart skipped a beat, she looked absolutely breathtaking. Cliché, I know, but you would have said the same thing if you'd seen her like that. The red dress I had picked suited her and clung to her figure in all the right places. Her otherwise wavy brown hair was straightened and seemed much longer, she was wearing a little make-up, some blush, mascara and a thin line of eyeliner which made her beautiful brown eyes stand out even more than they usually did. She was wearing high heels, something I knew she wasn't comfortable with, but they made her legs look even longer. She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.
She met my gaze for a few seconds, looking for some sign of anger or frustration.
She seemed to think I was still upset. I wasn't, just a little confused about why I had reacted like that.
I sent her a small nod and a apologetic smile and she nodded too. 'Sure, let's talk.'

I grinned and took her hand, pulling her up of the seat she was sitting on. Of course, me being my usual klutzy self, I used a little too much strength, almost causing her to fall over.
'Klutz.' She muttered playfully after regaining her balance. I rolled my eyes at her and held out my hand for her to take. She did, her small hands fitting perfectly into my slightly bigger ones. Her touch sent tingles trough my whole arm and sent shivers up my spine.
Why did she have this effect on me?

We walked to the exit and stepped outside. It was cold, but I could feel Samantha relaxing. She wasn't one for big crowds or confined spaces. It made her uncomfortable.
After taking a deep breath, welcoming the fresh air, I turned to her. Grasping both her hands in mine, I looked at her for a while. I was quite a lot taller than she was, but the heels must have been about 9 inches, bringing her face a little closer than it usually was. Not that I was complaining, the closer she was to me, the better I felt.
I didn't start talking yet, I was still waiting for her to meet my eyes. She was looking at her feet, a blush making its way on her face. Sam knew me better than just about anyone else, so she knew what I was waiting for. After a couple of silent minutes, she gave in and looked up.
I met her gaze and smiled. 'I am sorry, Sammy.' I muttered softly. 'I am sorry for being a crappy friend, I am sorry for losing my temper and I am sorry for scaring you like that. Okay? I was just thinking and worrying, and.. I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?'
Samantha shook her head a little, a smile tugging in the corners of her full lips. She wouldn't forgive me? Well, I surely hadn't seen that one coming.
Sam noticed my confused expression and giggled. 'There's nothing to forgive.'
I smiled and gave her a big hug. 'Thank you, thank you, thank you.' I whispered in her ear as I spun her around. 'I'll make it up to you.'

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