1- Supernova

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An explosion of a star, this massive scatter of matter in a bright flash of colors. Colors fill my head and flood around, before shrinking down to nothing to darkness. My mind felt like a supernova right now, the pounding of my alarm waking me.

I sit up in my bed, my hair clung to my forehead and the rest splayed up wildly. I flip on my morning playlist on my Bluetooth speaker and roll out of bed. I sit on my bed, my toes dangling above the floor slightly. I inspect my reflection in the mirror on the wall, my alabaster skin, the random freckles scattered along my cheeks. My own dark brown eyes staring back at me, and messy red hair flopped in a mop on my shoulders.

I turn the knob on the shower before stepping under the hot water, running down my back and covering me like a blanket. I dip my head under, fixing the mess from sleep. I run my fingers through the knots left from sleep. I caress my own shoulders as I wash them off the sleep.

"Nova hurry! I have an interview at Harper Press." My roommate, Natalie knocks on the door.

"Just give me five more minutes," I call back,

"Not like you weren't up before me and could've showered then." I mumble to myself.

I do a quick wash of my hair before getting out and wrapping a towel around myself. I open the door to Natalie leaning against the wall with crossed arms. She huffs and walks past and starts the shower up. I wander back to my room and change for work, I pull my hair into a pony tail.

I pull on my plain gray scrubs and shove my hospital grade shoes. I grab my jacket and purse. Heading out I make a stop by the bathroom door.

'Nat, I'm going to work. On your way back from your interview, grab milk at the store please." I ask.

"I will if I can." she responds. I roll my eyes before heading out the door.

The parking lot was almost empty except for a few cars, I climb into my beat up Honda civic and start the engine. I should have enough time to grab a coffee before I relieve Patty at the home, if I'm late one more time I'll lose my job. Perks of having a old ass car that breaks down all the time. I drive in silence listening to the rumbling of my old car. I turn into the Starbucks parking lot, the drive thru line wrapping the building I settle for going inside.

'What can I get you this morning?" the cheery barista questions.

"A grande iced caramel macchiato and an ice water, please?" I give my order and pay.

"And a name?"

"Nova." I answer and walk to the waiting area.

I glance around the Starbucks while I wait, the faces walking past the street blur together. I watch as a red car pulls off the road and out climbs a tall dark haired guy with chocolate brown eyes. He cascades through the doors and meets my eyes, he gives me a sparkling, stunning smile. I try to shake off the distraction of this disgustingly hot guy ordering a coffee.

I stare ahead at the barista as she makes my drinks. She sets the two drinks down and I grab them quickly turning around in a hurry.

I bump into the stranger spilling my coffee all over the front of my scrubs, making them look as though I wet myself.

"Shit, I am so sorry. " The stranger says, grabbing napkins from the dispenser.

"It was me, I should've been watching where I was going." I tell him accepting the napkins, patting my scrubs with the brown paper.

"At least let me get you a new drink," He offers, I glance at the time.

"I'm running late for work, thank you anyway." I throw out the coffee soaked napkin and head towards the door.

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