Chapter 44: The Explanation

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I woke in the room I shared with Jeremiah in our bed. Jeremiah must have carried me up here. I heard rustling in the bathroom and out he came with a wet towel I'm assuming he was going to rest on my head. I flinched when I saw him, gathering the covers to my chest. "Don't be afraid. I would never hurt you, Lilly." He soothed, before ushering me to lay back down as he pulled up a chair beside the bed. I looked at him and it was still so strange to think that he was the same person. "Jerome sprayed me with his insanity gas... He said it was a special mixture he had made just for me. Ever since, I haven't been able to get him out of my head. It's like he's always with me, telling me what to do." Jeremiah revealed and things began making sense. That's what I had heard that one night in his study, what caused all of this. I hated Jerome, even in death he proceeded to ruin us. I gently reached my hand out to touch his face, my skin contrasting against his pale complexion. He seemed surprised but warranted my touch as he continued. "I feel the darkness inside of me clawing it's way out. Sometimes, I can't control myself and it scares me..." He whispered and I felt tears fill my eyes. He had been suffering this entire time and I had no idea. "Why did you keep this from me?..." I asked, a tear streaming down my face. "I didn't want you to worry... I didn't want to scare you." He revealed as he leaned over and wiped the tear with his thumb. I held his face in my hands and I gently brought him closer into a kiss. He stilled at the gesture at first but then he relaxed before gently pulling away. "I always want to be apart of your life... Through thick and thin, sickness and health... I want you to trust me with this stuff." I told him and he seemed amazed. "But before-" He began but I interrupted him. "Before was different... I thought that perhaps you were someone else impersonating my husband. But I see now that you are still you. All you have to do is fight Jerome, don't let him win over your mind." I assured him but he didn't seem convinced. "I wish it were that easy Lilly..." He sighed but I refused to believe that Jerome could be victorious. "I've missed you..." I told him, my hand reaching out and finding his. He stared off into nothing for a second before he met my eyes. "I'm sorry... I suppose I'm just trying to figure this all out." He explained. "Let me figure it out with you." I offered and he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Okay..." He concluded and I smiled, happy that we were finally talking like a normal couple again. I pulled him into a hug, resting my head on his chest and taking in his comforting scent. "I love you..." I reminded him and he placed a kiss on the top of my head. "I love you too..." He said and I sighed in relief, having known it but not having felt his affection in so long. "Promise me you won't run, even if things get ugly?" Jeremiah asked and I could hear a hint of vulnerability in his calm voice. "I promise." I responded, pulling away to look into his now brightly colored eyes. I made a promise when I got married to love this man no matter what. If he had to battle Jerome even in death then we would fight him together. While his mask had finally come off, Jeremiah continued to dress up as his former self in front of Bruce Wayne. I had to remind myself when I would see him pass by to grab something that I hadn't stepped into a time machine and gone back to a time when Jeremiah was unaffected by Jerome's gas. They finished construction of the generators just the previous day and Bruce would come over today to discuss their placement throughout Gotham. Jeremiah was more open with me, and I felt like finally we were free of Jerome. He had tried to tear us apart but he had failed, Jeremiah was stronger than his insanity gas. I was becoming more and more accustomed to Jeremiah's new appearance, and I felt like maybe things were going to be okay after all. He had Ecco running errands all day and when she finally returned I heard her talking with Jeremiah in his study. I entered the room to greet him and I found Jeremiah leaning over a large map of Gotham City. He was wearing a white button down shirt and a gun holster equipped with two loaded guns. My breath caught in my throat. "Once we break into Wayne Enterprises, we will transport the bombs to these buildings here." He said his voice cold and calculated. "Jeremiah?" I piped up in horror. He hadn't expected me to enter the room and he turned slowly, his eyes falling on me and his lips drawn tight. "I thought you said you were going to fight Jerome's madness?..." I said feeling like I was going to throw up. This whole time he had been playing an act. He was getting me off his case long enough for him to formulate his real plan for Gotham. "I guess I changed my mind..." He said plainly, staring at me dead in the eyes. My heart sank. "How can you do this? Innocent people will die!" I exasperated and Jeremiah motioned something to Ecco. She came from behind, holding me in a headlock despite my attempts to escape her. "I'm sorry Lilly... But this is what has to be done... I will succeed where my brother failed. I will create a new Gotham in my image... I can't have you standing in the way of that." He said cooly and with a flick of his hand, Ecco placed a cloth over my nose. As my senses were filled with chemicals, my vision began to spot. I could hear him say "gently" to Ecco as I collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Jerome had won. Jeremiah was a monster.

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