Chapter 8: The Confrontation

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When I entered my Calculus class I saw that Xander was already there, sitting in his usual spot beside my empty desk. I felt my nerves bundle up in my chest, and I took a deep breath before approaching him. "Hey," I started hesitantly. "Hey," he responded not looking up from whatever he was intently writing in his notebook. "Are you mad at me?" I ask already knowing the answer. "Oh so now you want to talk..." He said emphasizing the word "now". I sighed and took my seat beside him, I reached out and placed my hand on his arm to get him to look up from his work. It worked and his green eyes found mine. It reminded me of when he had looked so comfortingly in my eyes before we kissed. I could tell he was thinking of it too and he looked as if he were holding himself back. "I'm sorry... I needed some time to gather my thoughts. Can we talk after class?" I ask him and to my relief a smile takes place of the previously tight line of his lips. "Sure," He said and I felt my entire body relax. First part of the plan, check. The rest of class was agonizing. I didn't pay much attention to the lesson and found myself acutely aware of Xander's presence beside me. Even though the awkward tension had been released between us, there was something else there. We were both anxious for our talk, and what it would mean. Once class was over I took a little too long packing up my things to rehearse what Ella and I had gone over the night before. "You ready?" He asked and I turned to see his hands in his pockets, his bag slung over his shoulder. I nodded and followed him out to the courtyard. It was one of my favorite parts of St. Ignatius, bright green fields with strategically placed stone work and statues. We walked in silence until Xander cleared his throat. "You wanted to talk to me?" He reminded me, breaking me out of my panicked thoughts. Just like that, my mind blanked and everything I had practiced was gone. "Um..." I started unsure how to go about the conversation. "I wanted to talk about the party... And how we-" I continued but got caught on my own words. "Kissed." He finished for me and I nodded looking down at my hands as we walked under a white armada covered in vines. "I know it was just a dare and that we didn't really have a choice, but I haven't been able to get it out of my head..." I confessed and this proved to be way harder than I thought as I felt a lump form in my throat. My emotions were beginning to overcome me, as I desperately picked my brain for what I was supposed to say. "Me neither," he stopped and faced me. His gaze was intense and I felt my eyes begin to water and his expression changed to one of concern. "Hey, what's wrong?" He questioned and I felt hot tears spill down my cheeks. "I'm just so scared..." I admitted and he placed his hands on my cheeks, wiping away my tears with his thumbs. "Scared of what? It's just me, Lilly." He assured me and I shook my head. "I just don't want to mess this up. I've never done this before..." I forced out, my voice cracking every other word. "I really like you and I don't want to get hurt." I finish, placing my hands on his chest as he held me. "Lilly, I would never hurt you..." he said sincerely looking into my eyes. "But-" I started as I blinked away tears then he suddenly pressed his lips to mine. The spark from the party re-ignited and I clutched to him, unable to get close enough. I loved the feeling of his lips on mine and I loved that my nose would sometimes bump into his glasses. After a while my head felt dizzy from the mixture of kissing him and crying. I gently pulled away so I could catch my breath. I was still sniffling even though my tears had stopped and he gently brought me into him, wrapping his strong arms around me. I had never felt more safe and assured in my life than in that moment. He held me for what seemed like forever until he gently pulled away. "So what does this mean?" I asked him, still unsure of the progression of our relationship. "This means I'll pick you up at your dorm at 8 for our first official date." He smiled and it's the most radiant I had ever seen him. I felt excitement fill me at his words and he gently took my hand. My hand tensed in response. "Don't worry, we will take this slow. Step by step when you are ready." He soothed, and my hand relaxed in his. He walked me to my next class and bid me goodbye until later that night.

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