Chapter 18: The Morning After

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I woke up entangled in Xander's arms. Flashes of the night before hit me in waves and it made my toes curl just thinking about it. The way he held my hand, hushing my moans with his kisses as he made love to me. I felt so loved, so complete. Finally both our walls were down, and we were completely vulnerable to one another. I wasn't scared how I had always imagined myself to feel, instead I felt safe. Xander kept adorably asking "is this okay?" and kept checking up on me to make sure I felt comfortable. I was so much more than comfortable, and I was amazed at how good he made me feel. I had woken up first and I nuzzled my face in his chest, looking up at Xander. He was so beautiful when he slept and I carefully traced each muscle with my finger, admiring him. He took a deep breath and he eventually opened his eyes, giving me a groggy smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you..." I apologized and he let out a chuckle. "Yes you did." He teased, his voice raspy from sleep. "Okay, maybe I did." I said unable to stop the huge smile from spreading on my face. "Can I call you Jeremiah? When it's just us?" I ask him, feeling strange using his fake name when I knew his real one. "Sure. I'm surprised your asking... You had no problem calling me that last night." He commented smugly and I smacked him playfully. He then yawned, stretching and I took the opportunity to pounce on him. He let out an "Oof!" sound and we both giggled as I straddled his hips. "If I remember correctly, you were the one encouraging it!" I spat back before planting a kiss on his lips. I felt the fire from the previous night reignite as he deepened the kiss, and man did it feel amazing to be in his arms. Suddenly there was the sound of jingling keys and the door to our dorm room flew opened. It was his roommate, Ryan. We both became very aware that we were still naked and Xander, or as I should now say, Jeremiah threw the covers over me. "Woah! Um- Sorry Xander I didn't mean to- I'll just go get some breakfast," Ryan rushed out, his hand over his eyes, feeling for the door and bolting out of it once he found it. Jeremiah and I couldn't help but burst out into
laughter once he had gone. "Now... Where were we?" I said suggestively, crawling back on top of him. He placed his hands on my bare hips, and I found it strange that I was completely nude on top of him and it felt natural. I guess sex does that to people. "As much as I would love to, and believe me, I do want to... We have a mandatory assembly in the auditorium in thirty minutes. You know how the principle feels about tardiness." He rationalized and I sighed dramatically. "Fine..." I said before hoping off of him and grabbing my clothing from his floor. I went to take a shower, and Jeremiah soon followed me. "I thought we only had thirty minutes?" I questioned him, placing my hands on my hips. "I can be quick." Was his response before he pressed me up against the shower wall and made love to me for the second time in the last 24 hours. He certainly kept his word, it was quick but somehow just as explosive as the first time. When we finished our shower, we both got ready for the assembly. Jeremiah let me borrow one of his shirts so that I wasn't wearing exactly the same clothes as the night before and we hurried to the auditorium. We made it just in time, the doors closing right after we arrived. We found Ella in the crowd and sat next to her. She looked over us carefully, taking note of my clothing and knowing very well I didn't come back to our dorm last night. "Well it's about time! I thought I was going to have to lock you two in a closet..." She teased as I shushed her, looking around to make sure no one heard. "I was worried about you last night Lilly, you totally disappeared at the carnival." She said before eyeing Jeremiah up and down. "At least now I know why... At least send a text next time." She finished and I nodded giving her a hug. "Absolutely I am so so sorry Ella, you are the best friend ever!" I praised her and she soaked it all up. "Oh do go on," She implored me and we all laughed. The principle then came on stage and the audience fell silent. "Welcome students of St. Ignatius, congratulations on a year of hard work and dedication at the finest university in Gotham... For those of you in the crowd that are Seniors, graduation is right around the corner." He began and I looked at Jeremiah. Technically he would be graduating this year. It was crazy to think that in a few days we wouldn't be going to the same school anymore. "Well prepare yourselves, because your ceremony will take place this Wednesday in this very room. You will be supplied with your caps and gowns the morning of the ceremony. Congratulations Seniors on making it this far, and for you underclassmen... Complete your years with vigor and we are excited to see you next fall. Thank you." The principle concluded and we all clapped. Four days till graduation... I looked over at Jeremiah and he smiled back at me. I was going to miss not seeing him everyday.

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