Chapter 15: The Circus (Part 2)

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I decided to try and make a run for it. But right as I moved, Jerome pulled out a switch blade and held it to my throat. He clicked his tung. "I wouldn't do that if I were you..." He said darkly and once again I was trapped. Jerome had me cornered and there was no escape. But I couldn't just tell him where Xander, or Jeremiah, was. Jerome was obviously a crazy person who was capable of the unimaginable and I didn't want the maniac to hurt him. "Why are you trying to find him?" I asked, trying to improvise as long as possible. The ginger gave it some thought before answering. "Well you see, he left me here in this hell hole... He abandoned me." He explained an almost pained expression crossing his face. He looked up to see I was surprised and he regained his composure. "Not what you were expecting huh? I'd love to hear his version of the story..." He smiled evilly. Xander never told me much about their relationship, besides that he wanted nothing to do with him. I was at a loss and Jerome sensed this and he narrowed his eyes. "So he doesn't trust you enough for that? Or maybe he's too afraid to mention me..." Jerome mocked and suddenly one of the performers barged onto the stage. "Jerome Valeska, you leave this young lady alone!" The woman yelled and I recognized her from the show, she was the snake lady. She marched straight up to him and I immediately saw him recoil as she slapped him across the head. "I'm sorry mom! I was just having a little fun-" He was silenced by his mother's death grip on his shirt, bringing him up to her face while she scolded him. I felt someone grab my hand and I was about to pull away when I recognized who it was. Xander. He was wearing dark jeans and a black hoodie that was pulled up over his head. He placed his finger to his lips as he carefully lead me out of the big top. His hand held mine as if I were his lifeline as we rushed out of a back exit of the circus. Xander was looking around us as if every person that passed us was out to get us, and he pulled me closer to him protectively. "Xander-" I started but he quickly interrupted me. "Not now. We have to get out of here." He forced through gritted teeth as we walked the final stretch towards St. Ignatius. He took me to his dorm and locked the door behind him. When he finally turned back to me I hugged him, still trembling from what had just occurred."You're okay... You're okay..." He comforted while he held me. Once I had finally calmed down I gathered my wits about me and pulled away. "Okay, you need to explain NOW." I ordered, immensely confused. He nodded with a sigh. "I was born as Jeremiah Valeska. I grew up with Jerome at Haly's Circus. I quickly showed a proficiency for mathematics and science while Jerome, for the mutilation of alley cats. On my tenth birthday he held a cake knife to my throat, and a week later he lit my bed on fire. It was like living in a nightmare." He explained and guilt plagued me. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that... I had no idea." I said quietly and then I looked up at him. "Then why would you risk it? Going back?" I asked. "You met Jerome, he's insane. I knew that there was a chance you would run in to him tonight... And I had to make sure you were safe." He revealed and I moved closer towards him. "But after all this time and energy you've spent hiding from him... Why would you give that all up for me?" I pressed. He looked into my eyes sincerely. "Because I love you, Lilly." He confessed and I felt my heart swell. "You love me?" I asked in awe and he nodded. "I love you too." I confessed, smiling like an idiot before leaping up into his arms and kissing him. He deepened the kiss and I felt myself melt into his arms. I had missed him so much. Even though it had only been a day since we had broken up, it had felt like a lifetime. And I planned on making up for lost time. I put my hands underneath his hoodie, ghosting the strong muscles he masterfully hid underneath his usual layers of clothing. I lifted the hoodie over his head, taking his shirt with it and tossing it somewhere on the floor, all while kissing him I might add. He gently pulled away to catch his breath as I discarded my yellow shirt to join the various articles of clothing littering the floor. "Are you sure about this?" He asked cautiously, but despite his chivalrous question I could see the desire burning in his eyes. I nodded, taking a seat on his bed. "Please?" I asked him and he didn't need much more convincing. Within a second his lips were on mine and he moved us so that he was on top of me, my back resting against the bed. I grabbed at him, needing to get closer. He placed his hands on my bare waist and my skin burned under his touch. I reached for his belt buckle and successfully pulled it loose. I felt a giddy feeling fill me from my toes up to the top of my skull. I loved this man, and he loved me. I had never felt more joy than in that moment.
Hehe I've been really excited to publish these new chapters and I hope you guys like it! Also feel free to chat with me in the comments I love talking with you guys!

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