Chapter 9 - Surprise

Start from the beginning

But Ironhide was a completely different story.

But that is a story for another day.

"Hey guys!" The girl greeted.

The two Autobots looked upon the girl and smiled. Ironhide stepped forward, crouching down to her level. Or at least as low as he could go. "There's our super star!"

Vaughan blushed at the thought of her being a super star to her friends. Heck she blushed for even being called one. All of this Cybertronian music stuff was going to take a while to take in.

"Aw Ironhide, you're making me blush!"

The red Autobot smiled as he stood back up, nice and tall.

"What brings you here on this late hour Vaughan?" asked Optimus.

"We'll the thing is, I don't know how to say this to you guys but, I'm just going to to spit it right out of me. I'm--"

But sadly, Vaughan was interrupted when Cliffjumper came walking out into the open and started freaking out. He freaked out so much that he literally brought out his laser gun.

"Decepticon!" He screamed.

"Cliffjumper wait!" Yelled Ironhide.

But it was too late for stopping that little red Autobot bundle. He fired his laser, striking an oddly shaped rock over head the two Autobots and Vaughan that had a strangely remarkable resemblance to a Decepticon seeker. The rock shattered into pieces, big ones as Optimus and Ironhide crouched down, using their bodies to give Vaughan cover from the falling debre.

"Move it!" Yelled Ironhide.

Optimus picked up Vaughan in his hands as he and Ironhide jumped out of the way of the falling debre of the rocks. Once the cost was clear, Cliffjumper came running towards the trio as Optimus gently set Vaughan down.

"Sorry guys, especially you Vaughan, but if awfully liked a Decepticon." apologized Cliffjumper.

"Decepticon?! Ha! We sent those over grown tin cans to the bottom of the ocean." Ironhide laughed. "It's been days!"

"There's no way they could survive a crash like that! Right Optimus?" Vaughan added. "They are gone for good."

"Ironhide, Vaughan, I wish I could believe that." Optimus replied as he over looked a nearby river.

"You still think Megatron and the Decepticons could still be out there?" Vaughan asked.

"In all honesty, I'm not sure." he answered. "Should we continue your discussion inside?"

"That would be best." Vaughan replied with a nod.

The four of them proceeded back to the base, stepping inside the Ark and making their way to the command centre. Optimus helped the girl up and placed her up on a counter next to Teletraan-1. Optimus, Ironhide, and Cliffjumper gathered around.

"So Vaughan, what was it you wanted to tell us?" asked Optimus.

"Well you see, I'm going back to my home town soon." she began.

"Wait, home town? You don't live here?" Cliffjumper asked.

"Not with Spike and Sparkplug, no. I live across the border in one of the cities in Canada." Vaughan continued.

"Border?" Ironhide said in confusion.

"You don't know what a border is?" Vaughan asked.

"Cybertron is kind of what you humans call a, 'city state'." Optimus answered.

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