..::Chapter 31::..

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 I open my eyes and see Alex laying beside me still alseep, i know that because he snores, like really loud a lot of the time but ive gotten good at blocking him out so i can sleep, but looking at him i cant help but think about yesterday.

 I cant believe we did that! i mean it feels amazing to be married to him but its still a shock to me, yesterday we got married, we ran off on our own and got married no mom's or dad's or anyone who is going to be ticked when we get home.

Most people would ask how it felt any diferent being married when we already lived together and acted like we were, but it was just some how, knowing he is now mine in every way and i his, i liked it, i loved him more than anything and im proud to wear his ring.

So im happy to be married and it is diferent, in a way i cant explain really, i just love him so much and now he's mine in every way. 

 I run my hand up and down his chest loving the way he feels and i sigh and let my hand rest over his heart feeling the steady beating and he lays his hand over mine and i look back up at him and his eyes are on our hands then he looks up at me and smiles.

"Morning babe." he says and i cant help but smile up at his sleepy face, it takes him awhile to wake up unless he has to jump and run, he is one to lay in bed for a while, pretty much until someone makes him get up or he wants food.

"Morning baby." i say and he rolls onto his side and smiles at me and i lean to kiss him and he wraps his arms around me pulling me on top of him and then tangleing his hands in my hair pulling me closer to him.

He pulls back to look me in the eyes and then we kiss again and i wrap my arms around his neck and pull my self closer to him and we both seem to just want closer, we're touching all over but i dont think it'll even be close enough.

"Mommy! Daddy! i hungery!" Hannah yells from the other side of the door and we pull apart, though we didnt want to,

"Okay baby, we'll be out in a minute." i say and get off him or i know we wont be out for a while and i'd feel really bad then, because shes hungry, i sigh then, i have told her many times how to say hungry yet she says hungery.

I get up out of the bed and slip on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that are laying in the floor and i toss Alex his pants and he gets out of the bed and puts them on and i go for the door only to be pulled back as i reach for it,

"I love you." he says his voice husky and low and it sends chills through me, and im pulled up against his body with his arms wraped around my waist he kisses my neck and i sigh.

"I love you two, but she's waiting for us." i say

"I know babe." he says holding me so tight i almost cant breath, and he sways us a little and i want to push him back on the bed right now..

"Alex.." i say in a warning tone and he kisses my head and lets me go

"Okay baby lets go eat then." he says walking out of the room and i go after him and he picks Hannah up off the couch and takes her to the little kitchen sitting her at the table after kissing her cheek,

I sit down beside her and leave him to the cooking this morning and i look over at Hannah when she reached up and started playing with the ring on my finger.

"Pretty isnt it?" i say and she looks up at me

"Yeah momma." she says nodding

"How 'bout some waffles?" he asks looking over at us and i nod and Hannah makes her excited little sound she does every time he makes them, its one thing he's really good at making and i never was all that good at making them for whatever reason, i always burned them.

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