..::Chapter twelve::..

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It'd been a really good day, its been so long since i'd gone to to the beach, i always seemed to be to busy, so i thought it'd be a good thing to do today,

But now we're leaving and im trying to get the girls in the car, they are so cute, both are almost asleep now, i get them in and Christina gets the stuff in the car, and after everything is packed we leave and in less than two minutes they're sleeping,

"How cute." i say looking back at them

"Yeah, but they dont have such a bad idea there." she says yawning,i laugh

"Go ahead take a nap, im taking Macie home first, " i say,

"Okay, " she says noding, she lays her head against the car window, and after a few minutes i think she is asleep too, i smile, i love her so much, she's so cute, she must be tired ,

It takes about a hour to get to my sisters, i park outside her house and get out, Christina wakes up,

"I'll take her in." i say , she nods . i get out and get Macie out and take her in, i knock on the door and go in,

"Hey Alex." she says

"Hey, she's sleeping." i say

"Okay, sit her on the couch." she says , so i take her in the living room and lay her on the couch and kiss her head,

"I'll call you soon." i say

"Kay, thanks Alex"

"its cool bye." i say , i go back out to my car and get in i look over at Christina,

"So am i taking you home?" i ask

"Uh..yeah." she says

"Okay." i say

"I've got work tomorrow." she says

"Oh okay,you know if you didnt wanna work, i could help you. " i say ,

"I know, but this is still so new." she says

"I know," i say

"I just need a little time to get used to this." she says

"i get it." i say

"Alex, its not that i dont want this, its just ive took care of myself most my life, it takes time for me to get used to the thought of being took care of." she says

"I know, i get it." i say

We pull up outside her house a little while later

"Wanna come in?" she says


I take Hannah in for her and put her in her bed, and we go sit in the living room, and she gets us drinks, and then sits beside me,

"So, you know we havent been on a real date yet." i say

"Yeah." she says

"You should let me take you out sometime, " i say

"I'd have to find a babysitter,"

"Bring her we can go see a movie after school or something." i say

"Okay that'd be fun." she says

"And ya know whenever you'r ready , you could stay with me, theres more than enough room in my house, if you wanted you could even have you'r own room, but i might not like that too much." i say smiling,

"Maybe, " she says smiling,, i move closer to her wrap my arm around her ,and kiss her neck, she giggles, i pull her up into my lap, wraping my arms around her ,and she wraps her's around my neck,

I lean up to kiss her lips, its amazing and beautiful and perfect. its warm and sweet, and hot , full of so much,

For awhile we just kiss, but then its just not enough anymore, i want more, but like before , im not going to make her do something she doesnt want,

"Baby." i moan

"Alex , I love you." she says

"I love you to baby." i say in a low voice,

"I..dont think Hannah will wake up for awhile, " she says

"Is that a yes?" i say

"Yes." she says in my ear,


I look around the room, and yawn, we've some how made it to my bed room, i dont really remember coming in here, ut i dont remember a few things , like ever getting undressed ,but the things i do  remember ...

i take a deep breath, im laying on his chest, he's asleep i listen to him breathing,  i think we really need to get up, i really need to get Hannah up, or she may never go to sleep tonight, uhg,

I try to get without waking him, i do, i get dressed and sneak out leaving him asleep in the bed, i go in to Hannah's room, she is siting in the floor playing with her dolls,

"Hey baby, i thought you were sleeping." i say '

"No momma i waked up." she says

"Why didnt you come find me?" i ask, she shrugs,

"I play mommy." she says, i sigh , she did this a lot , sometimes i think she just likes to be alone, well i cant blame her, but i feel bad when she sits there all alone.

"are you hungry?" i ask

"Yeah momma." she says standing, we go into the kitchen,

"Sit down and i'll be right back okay?" i say

"Okay" she says

I go into my room and see that he's still sleeping, i walk over to the bed and jump on him, that wakes him up,

"Oh..uh..hi" he says smiling up at me

"Hey hungry?" i say

"Yes." he says , i get off him and he sits up, he's still undressed, man he's cute,

"Well get dressed and come in there.' i say walking out while i still could...

 (Well not how i wanted to end it, but i cant think of anything else, haha, so dont forget to vote and comment, its makes me update faster,! and please fan! thanks for reading!!)

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