..::chapter three::..

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Christina, p..o..v.....3:23pm....

I am just geting to the school after work, I have job in a office downtown, yeah a desk job not the best thing but it pays well and i can get off at five, so Hannah will only have to wait a little while,

Unlike some of my last jobs that had me working till midnight, So i can be there with her more, and that means the world to me, i always hated it when she was asleep when i got home, and during the day when i tried to sleep, but thats behind us now. 

I open the door to the class room, i had got off work early today because it was her first day of school and it was my first day they didn't have me doing much yet, and they knew i wanted to pick Hannah up, and i have no sort of babysitter yet,

I look around and see Hannah siting on the rug playing with the girl from this morning, and dang he was siting there, Alex the pack Alpha, he was playing with them,I walk over to the, they are trying to show him how to hold a baby doll, and its kinda cute, and funny.

"Mommy!"Hannah says jumping up

"Hey baby, its time to go." i say looking down at her,

"Oh, okay. " She says standing up,

"Say bye." i say smiling at them,

"Bye bye, see you later." she says waving, he stands up ,

"She's really sweet, "he says smiling down at her,

"Yeah,i know"i say watching them they put the dolls up real  quick,

"Uh you know, they seem to get along well, and i have her a lot maybe she could come over to play sometime? I think she gets tired of me after a while." he says joking and laughs,

"Maybe we'll see, we're still kinda moveing in." i  say

"Yeah well, i could show you around sometime if you like, ya know its kinda part of my job. "he says with a smile

"Yeah sure." i say just to make him back off some,

"Okay well uh...call me." he says handing me a piece of paper with a number on it,

"Okay."i say noding, after that i take Hannah's hand and we walk out,

"Did you have a good day honey?" i ask looking down at her,

"Yes,mommy we all sorts of things!" she says  we get to the car and i put her in and i start the drive home as she tells me all about her day.


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