..::Chapter twenty-five::..

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Okay here it is, hope you like it! its dedicated to Evlisha because she was the first to vote on the chapter! first vote/comment will get the chapters dedicated to them! okay thanks everyone reading this!!


My mind is still foggy but im starting to wake up, i open my eyes and look around im in my room, what am i doing here? then it hits me and i remember everything.

Christina and Hannah got taken and i wanted to find them but i couldnt and then Micah druged me! i try to jump up only to realize im im hand cuffed to my bed! dang it! i yank my arms and try to get free,but i cant danm silver cuffs!  The door to the room opens and Jack is standing there,

"You uncuff me right now!" i scream glaring at him but he just stands there looking at me and shaking his head,

"Please! you have to you have to i have to find her!" i yell

"Im sorry man i cant." he says

"Please!" i bawl and tears start running down my cheeks before i realize that im crying, he walks over and sits on the bed beside me he pats my shoulder,

"Im sorry man i know you want to go find her, i know this is killing but you have to calm down you being upset wont help anything they're going to find her, and they will call as soon as they have them it'll be okay." he says i hear him but i dont care i need her now!

"But what if something bad happens to them!"

"There is nothing you can do they will get her as fast as they can and you being upset isnt helping if you calm down maybe you can get out of here." he says i sigh and stop moving,  i know fighting will get me no where but i cant just sit here and do nothing!

"But you dont understand i have to get them!" i yell

"I dont understand?! they killed my mate, and that is my babay they have! you dont think its killing me too?! i know i havent been here for her the way i should be but does that mean i care any less? no!" he says and i stop for a moment,

I guess this would be rough on him to but they are mine, and i cant get to them, he runs his hands through his jhair and groans, he's not facing me now his back is too me but i see him start to shake and i realize he's crying now.

And i dont know what i should do, i dont know what i can do im kinda tied up here, but in the end just break down my self and start crying again, what would i do if i never seen them again? what if something really bad happened? what would i be able to do? nothing.

It would be all my fault and theres not a thing i can do about it, and i cant even think about what might be happening , what might happen to them, or losing them i just cant, after a little while he seems to calm down and turns back to face me,

"Sorry just the last few weeks and now this and its just too much ya know.." he says

"Yeah, i just need them home i need to know they're okay." i say

"They are." he says

"How do you know that." i say looking at him sadly im sure he knows about as much as i do, and i bet its killing him to be sitting here too,

Like it or not Hannah is his kid and he hasnt been there for her for a long time, but now he knows her a bit better and i know that he loves her, i know it must kill him to think of losing her to the same people that took his mate. 

"I know they are fine, because Christina is a fighter, she always has been even when she was younger and before she knew how strong she was, and she wont go down without a fight." he says

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